

Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)


Exercise of Public Rights 2023-2024

Annual Governance Statement 2023-2024

Annual Accounting Statement 2023-2024 

Explanation of Variances 2023-2024

Income and Expenditure 2023-2024

ECM AGAR Meeting Minutes June 2024


Exercise of Public Rights (EPR) 2022-2023 

Income and Expenditure 2022-2023

Explanation of Variances 2022-2023

Annual Accounting Statement 2022-2023

Annual Governance Statement 2022-2023

External Auditors Report 2022-2023

June Full Council Meeting Minutes 2023


Notice of Conclusion 2021-22

Explanation of Variances 

External Auditors Report and Certificate Page 6

Accounting Statement Page 5

Annual Governance Statement Page 4

Annual Internal Audit Report Page 3

AGAR Page 2

Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) Page 1

Income and Expenditure 2021-2022

Exercise of Public Rights 2021-2022

February Draft Minutes 2022

February Agenda 2022


Finance Minutes Nov 2021

Finance Agenda November 2021

Martham Explanation-of-variances-2020-21

Martham Income & Expenditure Account with Explanations 2020-21

Martham AGAR Part 3 2020-21

Minutes AGAR 10 June 2021.docx

Exercise of Public Rights 2020-21

Conclusion of Audit 2021

AGAR External Audit 2021 

Draft Finance 10 April 2019
Agenda 10 April 2019
Finance Minutes 12 December 2018
Agenda 12 December 2018
Final Audit Report 2017/18 
External Audit Report 2018
2017 – 2018
Provision of Exercise of Rights
Income and Expenditure 2017-18
Martham Parish Council AGAR 
Notice of Exercise-Public-Rights-2017-18
Assets register 2017-18 31 March 2018
Employer Liability Insurance Certificate 2017
Minutes – Finance 9th August 2017
Minutes 12th April 2017

2016 – 2017
Notice of Appointment of date for the exercise of electors rights
Audited annual return 2016-17
2016 – 17 Income and Expenditure Account
Employers Liability Certificate 2016 – 17
Asset Register as at 15.3.17
End of year Internal Audit 2016 – 17
Interim Internal Audit 2016 – 17

Minutes 7th December 2016
Minutes August
Minutes 4th May 2016

2015 – 2016
2015 – 16 Income and Expenditure Account

9th December
14th October

July 2015
finance minutes 11th March 2015

Feb April  July  October  Nov
2014-15 annual return. Audited
2014 – 15 Income and Expenditure Account

Feb  May  July Dec