Before contacting Martham Parish Council – see if you can go direct first:
Many of the problems in the village reported to the Parish Council Office are the responsibility of other authorities.
The links and contact numbers below give you quick access to departments that can offer help with common problems.
Use phone apps? Report things more quickly using the Love Clean Streets App:
Dog fouling, fly-tipping, litter, broken glass, damaged or broken play equipment
Report it to: GYBC Environmental Rangers Tel: 01493 742200. See also Dog fouling advice
Public Footpaths (see also Pavements below)
Report issues with public footpaths to: Norfolk County Council Tel: 0344 800 8020
Report it to: For obstruction or legal dial 101.
Pavements, Roads, footways, verges and street furniture
Pavements, carriageway damage, clearing debris, grit bins, existing lines and signs, footway damage/drainage, grass and weeds, hedges and trees, illegal signs, manhole covers, obstruction, street furniture, traffic management and lights/signals, vehicles for sale on the highway, verge damage.
Report it to: Norfolk County Council. Tel: 0344 800 8020
Contact: Great Yarmouth Borough Council Tel 01493 856100
Street Lighting
Report this using Love Clean Streets and they will make sure your report goes to the right authority – usually either Norfolk County Council or Great Yarmouth Borough Council. Great Yarmouth Borough Council Tel 01493 856100. Norfolk County Council. Tel: 0344 800 8020
Local Mooring
Contact: Martham Boat Dyke Trust. Email: Clerk Tel no: Tel: 07385 907396
Call 101 or 999 in an emergency. Find out about our Flegg area local policing team information and Crime Map.
County Councillor
Councillors are elected to represent their local community and may be able to help you, or advise you on who can help sort out your problem. They can sometimes progress the case on your behalf. You can contact your councillor directly when you, or people living in your community, are affected by decisions the council makes.
Great Yarmouth Borough District Councillors
Councillors are elected to represent their local community and may be able to help you, or advise you on who can help sort out your problem. They can sometimes progress the case on your behalf. You can contact your councillor directly when you, or people living in your community, are affected by decisions the council makes.
Your local Member of Parliament
Rupert Lowe
Something else?
Please Contact Us.