Tenancy agreement and invoice for your records:
Once payment is received this will be treated as your confirmation and agreement of your Tenancy Agreement. You do not need to send back your agreement. If you no longer wish to continue to cultivate this area, please advise us so that the plot can be reallocated to the next person on the waiting list.
Payment: BACS/Bank Transfer
- Your name and plot number as a reference
- Martham Parish Council, Unity Trust Bank account number: 20424271 and Sort Code: 60-83-01
Payment: Cheques
- Please add your name and plot number to the back
- Martham Parish Council, Unity Trust Bank account number: 20424271 and Sort Code: 60-83-01

The village has an allotment ground situated on Cess Road. There are plots available periodically so if you agree to the council keeping your details you can put your name on the waiting list. Rents are some of the lowest in the area. The rent for a whole allotment is £50.00 per annum (half an allotment is £26.00 per annum). A water supply is provided and the service road is regularly repaired.
Request an allotment
If you would like to be considered as a possible Allotment Tenant, please:
- Review our Tenancy Agreement below to make sure you would be willing and able to meet the requirements of being an allotment holder.
- Complete and return the form linked below.
- Note that due to the popularity of our allotments, we may require to hold your data and add your name to the waiting list until a suitable site becomes available.
Aged under 18? Unfortunately we cannot accept applications from anyone under the age of 18.
Allotment Rent Notification/Invoice and Tenancy Agreements Update 2024
The Annual Rent for your allotment plot/s is due for the period of 1 January 2024– 31 December 2024.
At the October 2023 Full Council Meeting Council, it was resolved for plot costs to remain the same: £50 for a full plot and £26 for a half plot. It was agreed for all invoices to be hand delivered to addresses located in the village to save money on postage and avoid the postal strikes of last year. Plot holders who live outside the village will receive a posted agreement. Cllr Sayer agreed to undertake this task.
Pay using the details on the below invoice. When making your payment please include:
- Your name and plot number
- Martham Parish Council, Unity Trust Bank account number: 20424271 and Sort Code: 60-83-01
Send to Martham Parish Council, Community Centre, Playing Field Lane, Martham, NR29 4SP with your plot number as a reference and the most up-to-date contact details.
Tenancy agreement and invoice for your records:
- Confirmation and agreement of your Tenancy Agreement
Once payment is received this will be treated as your confirmation and agreement of your Tenancy Agreement. You do not need to send back your agreement. If you no longer wish to continue to cultivate this area, please advise us so that the plot can be reallocated to the next person on the waiting list.
Changes to your contact details:
Please email Cllr Graham Bye g_bye@outlook.com with updated details.