Latest Consultations
Dear Parish Council,
Consultation on the Great Yarmouth Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule
Representations Period: 6th December 2024 to 31st January 2025
Great Yarmouth Borough Council is preparing a new Local Plan to replace the existing Core Strategy and Local Plan Part 2. As part of the preparation of the plan, the Council has considered whether it would be appropriate to introduce a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Consequently, following the March to May 2024 preliminary CIL consultation, the Council has produced a draft charging schedule and supporting evidence documents.
CIL is a levy which local authorities can introduce to require developers to make financial contributions towards the provision of infrastructure to support new development. Most development has some impact on the need for infrastructure and services, or benefits from them. CIL helps to ensure that the infrastructure that is needed to make development acceptable is funded and delivered.
The Parish Council are invited to make representations (comments) on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule between 6th December 2024 and 31st January 2025. Following the representation period, the Council will submit the CIL Draft Charging Schedule (and supporting evidence base) for independent examination, in accordance with Section 212 of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended).
The CIL Draft Charging Schedule and supporting evidence are available to view on the Council’s website: Inspection copies of all the consultation documents are also available to view at the following locations:
- Reception, Great Yarmouth Borough Council, Town Hall, Hall Plain, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2QF
- Local Libraries, as detailed in the statement of representations procedure
As previously advised, we are holding an event for Parish Councils on 17th December 2024 at 7:00pm in the Town Hall. Planning officers will provide a presentation covering the consultation followed by a question-and-answer session and workshop. If you haven’t already confirmed attendance and wish to attend, please email
There will be staffed drop-in sessions where officers will be available to discuss the consultation material with members of the public on the following dates and locations:
- 9th January 2025 – 10:00am to 6:00pm – Great Yarmouth Town Hall, Hall Plain, Great Yarmouth
- 13th January 2025 – 4:00pm to 9:00pm – The Old School Village Centre, Green Lane, Bradwell
- 15th January 2025 – 4:30pm to 9:00pm – All Saints Parish Hall, Beach Road, Scratby
A webinar will take place between 6:30pm and 8:00pm on 12th December 2024, where a presentation on the consultation will be given together with an opportunity to ask questions. Please register your interest in attending by 5:00pm on Wednesday 11th December by emailing
Comments can be made by using the online survey that can be accessed using the councils website: or alternatively you can email a response to The Council has also made available on the above website a Guidance Note, which should be read before making a representation. Representors are advised that in making comments they are agreeing to the terms of the Local Plan Privacy Notice.
Please ensure all comments are received by 23:59 on 31st January 2025
If you would like to be notified of the submission of the CIL Draft Charging Schedule, receipt of the Examiner’s Report or the approval of the Charging Schedule, please indicate this in your comments.
If you have any questions about the consultation, please contact the Strategic Planning team using the contact details below:
Strategic Planning Team
Planning and Growth
Great Yarmouth Borough Council
Telephone: 01493 846270
View, comment or appeal a planning application:
Note: Proposed developments will not be available until they are submitted as planning applications.
Martham Parish Council is not a planning authority. It is, however, asked for its comments by Great Yarmouth Borough Council and the Broads Authority for applications in respect of the Parish of Martham.
The Clerk receives the applications, and once received these can be inspected at the Parish Office. If the deadline for response is before the next Parish Council meeting then an extension is sought so that the full Parish Council can view the application, and Parishioners have the opportunity to speak to the Council at the meeting before comments are returned to Great Yarmouth Borough Council.
All plans are notified on the front page of this website, and on the facebook page, when they are received at the Parish Office. View our most recent posts.
If no extension can be obtained then a working party is in place to respond on behalf of the Parish Council.
Objections raised have to relate to a material planning consideration.
Members of the public who are affected by planning applications should respond directly to either Great Yarmouth Borough Council or the Broads Authority as appropriate.
Planning Application Check List:
Any conflict with the Borough Plan.
Contrary to Local Development Framework.
Special Design:
Conservation area or tree preservations orders.
Loss of socially beneficial use, have previous applications been refused.
Site Considerations:
Over development.
insufficient garden.
Incompatible with design of existing buildings.
Threatening a public right of way.
Insufficient parking spaces.
Loss of wild life, rare plants, etc.
Destroying traditional field patterns.
Public sewers inadequate.
Risk of flooding.
Health threat due to land contamination.
Overlooking adjoining properties.
Blocking natural daylight.
Noise, smells, disturbance, unsociable hours.
Dominating nearby buildings.
Conflicts with surrounding building patterns.
Conflicts with character of area.
Inconvenience to pedestrians.
Road system inadequate.
Prejudice highway safety.
Adverse effect on economy.
Better alternative sites.
Other sources of information and support