The following is a local policing update for the Rural Flegg Villages neighbourhood
Weekly crime summary 3 May 2016
Over the weekend we have been called to seventeen thefts from allotment sheds in the neighbourhood.
Sheds and insecure outdoor buildings can be an Aladdin’s Cave for burglars. Many sheds are of light-weight construction and can be easily forced open. They often contain high value items which are valuable commodities to the thief. Taking a few simple measures to improve the security of your shed or outbuilding can make life difficult for thieves.
Crime prevention tips
· Ideally store high value items in the home
· Use a padlock and chain to secure items such as lawn mowers to a heavy anchor
· Make a property list detailing the make, model, serial number, value and description of valuable items. Take photographs to aid identification.
· Overtly mark your property with your house number and post code – permanently marked property is less attractive as it would be difficult for a thief to sell.
· Fit quality mortice locks or padlocks 1/3 up and 1/3 down on the door to reduce the leverage available
· Do not neglect the hinge either side and use security screws or bolts through their fixings
· Secure the windows with a weld mesh or a crime shield product secured from the inside
· Fit a security light to deter thieves
Use a shed alarm, which sounds if the shed door is forced open.
We would also like to remind residents not to place wheelie bins out too early before collection due to a recent increase in arson’s in bins left out on the street.
We would request that residents be extra mindful of placing bins out on the highway and to only do this on the day of collection. We would also like to ask residents to be vigilant of litter and fly tipping and report any incidents immediately to the Great Yarmouth Environmental Health team on 01493 846478.