Norfolk Trading Standards – Rogue Trading

Norfolk Trading Standards have recently received a number of reports of doorstep cold callers in Norfolk.  Below is some useful information about how to report and raise awareness: Doorstep Cold Callers: If concerned about possible rogue trader activity in your area, you can contact Trading Standards through the Citizens Advice helpline on 03454 04 05 06, or Norfolk Constabulary via 101.

No Cold Calling Zones: To help stop cold callers targeting vulnerable people in the community you may wish to set up a No Cold Calling Zone.  A No Cold Calling Zone is a designated area where the residents declare they will no longer accept traders calling at their homes without an appointment. For further information and an application form contact Norfolk Trading Standards on 0344 800 8020 or visit

Parishioner Surgeries

Councillors are trialling surgeries where they are happy to meet with parishioners to share more information about Parish activities and answer any questions.

Surgeries will held at the Community Centre,  Playing Field Lane, Martham on the first Saturday of each month from 10-12pm.

All are welcome to pop along for a cup of tea and a chat.

 Council Surgeries – First Saturday of each month:

1st June

6th July

3rd August




Wednesday 8 May 2018 at 7.30pm

Community Centre, Playingfield Lane, Martham


Attendance and apologies for absence

Approval of minutes of the previous Annual Parish Meeting held on 9 May 2018.

Parish Council Chairman’s Report 2018/19

Presentations and Reports from Village organisations may include:

  • Good Neighbour Scheme
  • Scarecrow Festival
  • Martham Boat Dyke Charity
  • History Group
  • Sports Clubs
  • Any other group attending wishing to address the meeting

General Parish Comments

Parishioners are encouraged and welcome to participate offering suggestions and comments in relation to the Parish Council and village activity.

Refreshments will be served at the close of the meeting.

Martham Common Road SMEE Project Talk

SMEE Project—Common Wildlife Talk
The Parish Council have formed a working party to work in partnership with the Norfolk Wildlife Trust and keen local volunteers.
The ‘Living Landscape Officer’ from Norfolk Wildlife Trust will be giving a talk on the Common (and not so common) Wildlife found on a local SMEEs
Discover the natural and unnatural history of commons and learn about the new Wildlife in Common project funded by the National Lottery, Heritage Fund.
Learn about the wildlife found on two Martham Smee Lands and how you can help wildlife in your village.
This talk is free, no need to book.
Includes refreshments.
Friday 17 May
7.30 to 9pm
Martham Community Centre, Playing Field Lane, Martham, Norfolk, NR29 4SN

Here are some photos of the progress made so far –

Common Road SMEE