Remembrance Sunday 11 November

On Remembrance Sunday at the Service in Martham Parish Church at 10.15 a.m. there are plans to put Remembrance crosses in a ‘Field of Remembrance’ in the grass by the War Memorial for every one of the people whose names are on the War Memorial.  This is also as an act of remembrance for everyone who gave their lives, so that we can live in freedom.  

We hope that those who still have relatives living in the Martham area, will be there to lay the cross in their memory. There are also those who have died in conflicts since then and they will be remembered too.    

If you have an ancestor who is named on the War Memorial,  and be willing to come to plant a cross, please get in touch with Ann.


Below is a list of those who are named, so please think about your ancestors and get in touch if you can help.


Ann Meakin – Tel. 01493 740379 –

From the 1914- 18 war

Frederick Allen         William Bracey

Arthur Brown       Frederick Brunson

Leslie Dyball            Lewis Dyball

Robert Futter           Harry Garman

Blanche Garman      William Gymer

George Hayton        John Hodds

Leonard Johnson     Ralph Johnson

Harry Knights           John Larter

Henry London          Leslie London

Elijah Long              James Mays

Ernest Moore       Edmund Nichols

Robert Rivett           George Sales

Herbert Sims           Harry Smith

William Starkings    Albert Turner

James Turner         Redvers Turner

Edward Utting         Charles Watson

Ernest Watson        George Watson

Robert Watson        Maurice Wedge

Herbert Widdick      Henry Wilkinson

Charles Youngs

From 1939 – 1945 war

Cubit Armes

Stanley Bean

Robert Chamberlain

Robert Durrant

Reginald Frazer

Harry Miller

George Moll

John Wiseman

Frederick Woodrow

Beryl Applegate (aged 12 – air raid victim).