Power failure information – useful contacts:
For any power cut enquiries please customers can contact us 24 hours a day by:
· Visiting www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk for the latest update
· Calling 0800 31 63 105 (this is free to call from a mobile phone)
· Follow us on twitter for updates @ukpowernetworks
· We welcome calls by text relay for deaf or hard of hearing customers
UK Power Networks has a Priority Service Register for people who may be more vulnerable and require extra assistance in a power cut. You can find out more information on our website: http://bit.ly/1c3CkOO. We currently work with the British Red Cross who can activate their volunteers to support vulnerable customers if power is affected.
Below is some additional advice for customers during a power cut:
Keep our freephone number handy (0800 31 63 105)
See our website for some useful videos offering advice during a power cut.
Keep spare batteries for radios and torches – local radio stations often broadcast helpful information
Keep an old-fashioned corded phone which you can plug in, as cordless phones won’t work in the event of a power cut
Take care if using candles, tea-lights and other naked flames
Keep fridges and freezers closed, with a blanket over as they will stay cold for many hours
Switch off all your electrical equipment, except one light which will let you know when the power comes back on
Remember the street lights may also be off so take care if you go out
Look out for elderly neighbours and other vulnerable people; please consider taking them round a flask of hot water or hot food
Exercise caution in localised flooded areas- specific advice is available on the Environment Agency website