Would you be willing to pay more to help fund your police service?
Norfolk’s PCC Stephen Bett will soon have to decide whether to increase or freeze the policing element of Council Tax – and he wants to know what you think.
“The Government has said that police funding will be protected but that’s on the assumption that PCC’s increase the policing element of the Council Tax by 2% each year. There are, of course, still major financial pressures on the force as they carry the burden of past funding cuts, and the demands on our police continue to increase and, crucially, to change. There is an unprecedented surge in demand in areas such as rape, serious sexual offences and child sexual exploitation as people feel more confident to come forward. Cybercrime is another area of serious growth for the constabulary – and an expensive one.
“Before I make any decisions on whether to raise the precept, I want to hear your views. Please take the time to have your say via my short online survey;
or by coming along to one of two public consultation events planned for later in the month.
Stephen Bett – Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk
January’s public consultation events:
Hear from your PCC and Chief Constable about the funding challenge and their priorities for the coming year:
Wednesday 13 January 2016, 6.30pm start
The Council Chamber, Norfolk County Council, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich NR1 2SF.
Monday 18 January 2015, 12 noon start
The Assembly Room, Town Hall, Saturday Market Place, Kings Lynn PE30 5DQ
If you have any specific requirements to enable you to take part in one of these meetings, please get in touch with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk by telephone on (01953) 424455 or by email to opccn@norfolk.pnn.police.uk.
To register a question to be answered at one of the public meetings, please email opccn@norfolk.pnn.police.uk.
If you would prefer to complete a hard copy of the survey, please telephone (01953) 424455 and we will send one out to you.