It is with deep sadness that we mark the passing of our longest serving Parish Councillor Bob
Bob was dedicated to the village, volunteering for all the little jobs which the Council does
around the village. He turned up to every litter pick and was part of the team that revamped
the pond by the chip shop. He took part in a survey of Elm trees around the village to map
them for a UEA research project and was the tree officer for the Parish.
No Council meeting was complete without Bob’s catchphrase of “Through you Mr
Chairman…” and his wit and humour always brightened up a dull meeting. He served the
council in many different roles over the years including a brief spell as Chairman. He was
also active in local politics as a Labour Party activist.
I’m Sure we all have our memories of Bob, a good old school Norfolk boy with that wit that
he put to good use.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Bob’s family and friends.
Paul Hooper