Allotment Rent Notification/Invoice and Tenancy Agreements
The Annual Rent for your allotment plot/s is due for the period of
1 January 2022– 31 December 2022.
The Finance Committee and Full Council met and have agreed on the following:
Plot costs – remain the same
Full plot: £42.00 and a Half plot: £21.00
Payments: to be made via Bank Transfer (BACS) to
Martham Parish Council, Santander Bank:
Account number: 14672080 and Sort Code: 09-01-55
If this is not possible then please send a cheque to –
Martham Parish Council, Community Centre. Playing Field Lane, Martham, NR29 4SP.
Once payment is received this will be treated as your confirmation and agreement of your Tenancy Agreement. You do not need to send back your agreement. If you no longer wish to continue to cultivate this area, please advise us so that the plot can be reallocated to the next person on the waiting list.
Also, if any of your details have changed, please email the Clerk