Annual Parish Meeting:

The Annual Parish Meeting is a meeting of the electors of the Parish, which every member of the electorate is entitled to attend.

This year the Annual Parish Meeting in Martham will take place
on the 13th May at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. It has to happen by law, between the 1st March and the 1st June, and is called, and chaired by the Chairman of the Parish Council, if they are present, but it is completely separate and distinct from a Parish Council meeting.

If you would be happy to make a presentation to the village on behalf of your group or organisation please could you contact the Clerk, who will collate a list of those attending.

All Parishioners are welcome to attend.

Planning Application:

The following plans have been received at the Parish Council Offices, they are available for inspection and will be discussed by the Parish Council at their meeting on the 20th May 2015.

06/15/0184/F – Proposed dwelling adjacent to 2 and 4 Damgate Back Lane.

Crime in Martham:

Other Criminal Damage
Between 17 Apr 2015 17:00 and 20 Apr 2015 10:30
Unknown person(s) sprayed gold paint over the parish notice board.

Other Criminal Damage to A Dwelling
Between 24 Apr 2015 22:30 and 25 Apr 2015 06:30
Bedroom window broken.

Theft If Not Classified Elsewhere
Between 13 Apr 2015 13:51 and 14 Apr 2015 13:51
Cash stolen.

Theft If Not Classified Elsewhere
Between 24 Apr 2015 21:00 and 24 Apr 2015 21:25
Two boxes of insulation stolen.

Policing Summary:

Weekly crime summary 22 – 28 April 2015

 As we head into May, we will start looking forward to some warmer weather and people will be turning to gardening and other outdoor activities.

 One area of crime prevention we often find lacking at this time is around sheds, garages and other out buildings. For ease and routine we leave these buildings either unlocked or secured using the cheapest of locks, however, they often contain a number of items which are expensive to replace, such as bikes, lawn mowers and garden tools.  They also provide any potential burglar with the perfect tools to break into your house; a spade to lift your patio doors, a hammer to smash your windows and saws to cut through safety chains.

 Securing these out buildings can deter the opportunist thief and make it more difficult to target your property.

 If you would like a free crime prevention survey please feel free to request one using the 101 number and also use this number to report any suspicious activity.  If you believe a crime is actually in progress or you have an emergency please always dial 999.

Reporting of Crimes:

The Parish Office has just had a visit from the PCSO to report the graffiti on the noticeboard as a crime.

Martham area has now lost one of the PCSO’s, and now have a Beat Manager, Mr Dick Cook and one PCSO Mr Paul Edwards.

The office has been asked to pass along to parishioners the need to report, officially, by telephoning 101, all crimes so that they are recorded, no matter how minor.

Sometimes crimes are linked, additional, similar crimes help detection and apprehension of criminals.

Also, and just as importantly, crime figures are maintained for all areas and resources allocated accordingly. If crimes are occurring, but are not being reported and recorded in Martham, it does not give a fair representation.

If spates of crimes occur, like criminal damage, or theft, then extra resources are tasked to an area and cars will patrol to increase security and the chance of catching the criminals responsible.

The police who look after the Martham area would encourage all residents to report crimes on 101, however minor they are considered by the person discovering them, or the victim of them.