Planning Applications received from Great Yarmouth Borough Council:

Planning Applications received at the Parish Office for comment:
06/17/0699/F – Flegg High School, Somerton Road, NR29 4QD. Application for the retention of existing 3 bay classroom block for period of 10 years.
06/17/0700/F – Flegg High School, Somerton Road, NR29 4QD. Retention of existing 5 bay classroom block for a further 10 years.

06/17/0740/F: 37 Hemsby Road, Martham NR29 4QQ – Two storey extension to side.

06/17/0738/CU: Former Mushroom Farm (Land adj) White Street Martham NR29 4PQ – change of use from Agricultural use to Residential use.

06/17/0751/A: 10 White Street (Durban House) Martham NR29 4PQ – application for two free advert boards.

06/17/0731/F: 70 Damgate Lane, Sunnyside, Martham NR29 4PZ – Replacement of existing conservatory with