General Parish Council Newsletter May 2024v2

Martham Parish Council Newsletter May/June 2024

Martham Parish Council Newsletter May/June 2024

Martham Village Litter Pick

A big thank you to village volunteers for joining our Councillors in our litter pick effort in April. We’re also grateful to the many village heroes who tell us that they regularly pick up rubbish while out on walks all year round. We all truly appreciate you taking care of our village.

May Defibrillator Fundraising via Heart2Heart Norfolk

Thank you all for supporting this first event help fund defibs and their upkeep in Martham. We raised £252.95 from sales of books and jigsaws, donated by the community in Martham and other villages. Thank you to everyone who supported this with donations and visiting us on the day. Flegg High school had a successful day too, and raised £594 towards their own public access defibrillator, they have 2 more events this year. James Chapman has kindly donated a defib to be sited at Broadland Sports and intends to fundraise for us. Let us know your fundraising ideas!

A busy, fun and productive Annual Village Meeting

Members of eleven Martham organisations, councillors and members of the public gathered to meet, discuss issues and opportunities over a cuppa and biscuits in May. See online and on noticeboards for photos and more from this event.


Thurs 13th June 7pm – Great Yarmouth Police Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel (SNAP) Priority Setting Meeting at Martham Community Centre. Members of the public get the chance to raise any issues they have from the area where they live.

Fundraising events for Martham Defibrillator Project via Heart2Heart Norfolk:

Sat 6th July – QUIZ Martham Village Hall. 6.45pm for a 7pm start. £10 including fish supper. Bring own drinks, cutlery and plates. To book call Sharon on 07513985693 or email

Sat 13th July (during Martham Carnival) – Book and Jigsaw Sale. Stall location TBC. Donations of  jigsaws and if possible paperback fiction and children’s books. welcome – call Sharon on 07513985693.

Sun 25th August Family Fun Day. 12-9.30PM. Children’s entertainment. Live music
BBQ, picnic, stalls, Martham Sports and Social Club will be open 12 til late 

Village Centre Bus Shelter, Village Hall, Outside Repps Road Co-op carpark, Community Centre window, Methodist Church Barnabas Room.
Or find us online: See details below

Bob Fossey (Chair) Colin Starkings (Vice Chair)
Ian Bradford | Paul Hooper | Adam Sayer | Vick Smith
Lee Pallett | Bob Huxtable | Terry Watson | Graham Bye
Sharon Coates | Clerk: Stacey Kent

Facebook /MarthamParishCouncil
Instagram /Martham_Parish_Council_
01493 749938

Meetings: 7.30pm
Every third Wednesday
Martham Community Centre