Policing Update:

Weekly crime summary 19 – 26 May 2015

Appeal after two injured in A47 crash

Police are appealing for witnesses following a collision on the A47 Acle Straight on Saturday 23 May.

It happened shortly before 9pm when a green VW Golf travelling towards Yarmouth and a red Hyundai travelling towards Acle were involved in a collision.

The Hyundai left the roadside coming to rest upside down in a water-filled ditch and the driver remains in hospital with life threatening injuries. The driver of the Golf suffered serious leg injuries.

The Acle Straight was closed while emergency services dealt with the incident and officers are keen to hear from anyone who may have witnessed the collision or has information concerning the driving manner of either vehicle prior to the crash.

Witnesses should contact PC Simone Sutcliffe at Acle Road Policing on 101.
Cycle security

Don’t give thieves an easy ride home!

Now that summer is nearly upon us, the residents of and visitors to Great Yarmouth are enjoying the outdoors even more. However, with warmer days and lighter evenings, police are appealing to cyclists to ensure their bicycle remains their property and doesn’t get stolen.

Although thefts of bicycles in Great Yarmouth are relatively low, police always see an increase in the number of thefts at this time of year.

If cyclists follow these simple tips then they greatly reduce the chances of their bicycle being stolen;

– Ensure your bicycle is securely stored at home in a lockable garage or shed

– Always park your bicycle in well-lit areas where there’s lots of people passing by

– Always lock your bicycle with a lock even if it’s only for a couple of minutes

– Record your details of your bicycle making a note of the frame number and consider taking a picture of it for identification purposes

Norfolk Safer Places

A Norfolk Constabulary scheme to help vulnerable or disabled people has been launched in Great Yarmouth.

Norfolk Safer Places gives help and security to vulnerable people by offering them a safe place to go to if they feel they need it and giving them greater confidence to live an independent life.

35 venues in the Great Yarmouth are signing up to the scheme, with local businesses displaying a sticker in their window to show that they are a designated ‘safer place’.

People who are vulnerable or have a disability can sign-up to the scheme and once signed up they receive an ID card on which they put their name along with the telephone numbers of two nominated contacts, which could be a family member, friends or a carer.

To join the scheme, or for further information concerning it, please contact Sgt Waterhouse at Great Yarmouth Police Station on 101 or waterhouseam@norfolk.pnn.police.uk

Planning Decision:

Planning Decision:

06/15/0184/F – 2 & 4 Damgate Back Lane, Martham
Proposed dwelling adjacent to 2 and 4 Damgate Back Lane.


Planning Permission:

Planning Permitted received this morning:

28 Repps Road, Martham – Demolition of existing lean to and erection of boat shelter and workshop (domestic).

Anti Social Dog Owners:

The Parish Council has recently been receiving yet more complaints about dog fouling – and not just on Black Street, but on more rural routes too.

Bag it up. Then don’t throw the bag in the hedge – take it to a bin!  Any public bin is fine, it does not have to be a dog bin.

If you know of a particularly bad area that you would like the environmental rangers to visit, or a persistent offender then reports can be made here:

Policing Update:

The following is a local policing update for the Rural Flegg Villages neighbourhood

Weekly crime summary 13 – 19 May 2015

Man charged in connection with serious assault, Great Yarmouth
Police have charged a 24-year-old man in connection with a serious assault in Great Yarmouth.

Kearen Woodward, of Albion Road, Great Yarmouth, was charged yesterday (Monday 18 May) evening with wounding with intent to do GBH.

The charges relate to an incident which took place on Bermondsey Place and Wellesley Road between 11.15pm on Sunday 17 May and 12.20am on Monday 18 May.

The victim of the assault is currently receiving treatment at Norfolk and Norwich Hospital for facial injuries that are described as serious but not life threatening.

Woodward has been remanded in police custody to appear at Norwich Magistrates Court this morning (Tuesday 19 May).

Appeal over collision involving mobility scooter, Gorleston

Police are appealing for information after a car and a mobility scooter were involved in a collision in Gorleston yesterday (Monday 18 May).

It happened at about 8.40am on Brasenose Avenue near to the junction of St Peters Avenue when a burgundy people carrier, possibly a Peugeot, collided with a mobility scooter. The vehicle failed to stop at the scene and continued in the direction of the James Paget University Hospital.

The rider was not injured but the scooter was damaged and police are keen to hear from anyone who may have witnessed the incident or has information concerning the driver of the people carrier.

Witnesses should contact PC Mark Carter at Acle Roads Policing on 101.

Consultation over Planning:

Want to have your say on planning and the future plans for Martham? This is the document that is amending the planning in the village:

The consultation on the proposed Modifications to the Core Strategy commences at 9am on Monday 11 May 2015 to 5pm on Tuesday 23 June 2015. During this time you are invited to make comments on the Main Modifications and the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal. The Inspector will consider all comments made on the Main Modifications prior to issuing his final recommendations in the Inspector’s Report.

Core Strategy Examination

The Borough Council submitted the Core Strategy to the Government in April 2014 and the Planning Inspector (Mr Malcolm Rivett) held an Examination in Public with hearing sessions between 25 and 27 November 2014. A number of changes to the Core Strategy are now being proposed, which reflect the discussions at the Hearing Sessions. These changes are known as Modifications and there are two types; Main and Additional. Main Modifications change a policy and are considered by the Inspector to be necessary to make the plan sound or legally compliant. Additional Modifications don’t change a policy and are generally factual updates and corrections. This consultation is on the Main Modifications only however, the Additional Modifications have also been published for reference.

This consultation is your chance to tell us whether the proposed Main Modifications are ‘legally compliant’ (meet the relevant legislation) and whether they are ‘sound’ (positively prepared, justified, effective and consistent with national policy). Comments on the proposed Main Modifications can only be accepted if they relate to soundness and legal compliance. Please note that comments on any other matter, such as the content of the Core Strategy, will not be accepted as this consultation is concerned with the Main Modifications only.

Viewing the consultation documents

The Modification Schedules, accompanying Sustainability Appraisal and Habitat Regulations Assessment will be available to inspect at the Town Hall in Great Yarmouth, at all public libraries throughout the borough during normal opening hours and on the Council’s website athttp://www.great-yarmouth.gov.uk/…/local-plan/cs-…/index.htm

Making a Comment

The easiest way to make comments on the consultation documents is by using the online Local Plan Consultation Portal or filling in a Local Plan Comments Form, which you can download from the website. Copies will also be made available at the Town Hall in Great Yarmouth and all libraries throughout the Borough during the consultation period. A Local Plan Comments Form can also be posted out on request, along with a freepost envelope if required. Completed Local Plan Comments Forms should be sent to the Strategic Planning Team using the details on the webpage.

Please note that only comments made through the Local Plan Consultation Portal or on the Local Plan Comments Form will be accepted. Your comments must be received by 5pm on Tuesday 23rd June 2015. Comments received after this deadline cannot be accepted.

For further information regarding this consultation, the Core Strategy, the draft Infrastructure Plan or the emerging Local Plan please contact a member of the Strategic Planning Team on 01493 846688 or email localplan@great-yarmouth.gov.uk

David Glason
Group Manager: Growth

Strategic Planning, Housing & Regeneration Development
Great Yarmouth Borough Council

Website: www.great-yarmouth.gov.uk
Correspondence Address: Strategic Planning, Housing and Regeneration Development, Town Hall, Hall Plain, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR30 2QF