Policing update;

Weekly crime summary 2 December 2015

As we have now entered December it seems acceptable to mention Christmas!

Yesterday we started a month long campaign of increased high visibility foot patrols in both Great Yarmouth and Gorleston. These are a preventative measure to help reduce shop lifting, theft from motor vehicles and target pick pockets.

It is also to actively target those that we know are prolific offenders in our area. These patrols will be in addition to the regular retail officers patrolling the town centres.

It’s a timely reminder to shoppers to be mindful of their own personal security and to keep a close eye on belongings.

· Please do not have your handbag loosely over your shoulder where it can easily be snatched, keep it fastened up and close to or across your body

· When getting money from the ATM be mindful of who is behind you. Stand close to the machine, keep your PIN entry covered and place the cash immediately into your purse or wallet

· Keep a close eye on your bags and purchased items, it is easy to get distracted by all the Christmas festivities and lose track of where you may have placed your shopping bags whilst you pay for another item or look at a display leaving them an easy target for thieves

· Do not leave purchased goods on display in your vehicle either during or after your shopping trip, these are an easy target for thieves. Keep valuable items out of display locked safely in the boot and take them straight indoors when you reach home

If you see anything suspicious or feel vulnerable or threatened contact the Police on 101 or dial 999 for an emergency

SNAP Meeting;

The next SNAP: Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel meeting will take place on the 14th December 2015 at 7pm in the Sports nad Social Club at Playingfield Lane.
If you have anything you would like to discuss with the local police officers this is your opportunity, they will also be discussing local targets for policing in the area.

Planning Application;

06/15/0673/O – Erection of up to 55 dwelling houses with associated open space and infrastructure.  Rollesby Road Martham East Broiler Farm.

These have now been received by the Parish Office and are available for inspection.

Planning Applications;

Planning Applications received at the Parish Office for comment;

06/15/0667/F – 5 Coronation Avenue, Glenfield, Martham. Side and rear extensions, roof extension and loft conversion.

06/15/0655/F – 4 Hyrn Close, Martham. Single storey rear extension to form kitchen and dining room, first floor rear extension to form bathroom.

Planning Application;

Application received at the Parish Office;
06/15/0640/F – Construction of an external 3G Artificial Turf Pitch (ATP) with fencing, floodlighting, storage container and modular buildings.
Flegg High School.
The documents are held at the Parish Office for viewing.

Local Policing update;

The following is a local policing update for the Rural Flegg Villages neighbourhood

Weekly crime summary 17 November 2015

With the longer nights we are seeing the continuing trend of the theft of diesel and heating oil from both business and residential properties. Police are asking residents to be vigilant to suspicious activity where these items are stored, especially around neighbouring properties, and report anything of note to the Police using 101 or 999 if you believe a crime is actually in progress.

If you have any concerns regarding the security of your property you can request a free crime prevention survey from the Constabulary by calling 101.

Police are also reminding residents of the dangers of unexpected trades men and sellers calling at your door. Most legitimate businesses have moved away from this technique and you are within your rights not to engage with people you have not invited to your door. We have also seen a number of sales persons claiming they are deaf or hard of hearing and at present we haven’t been able to confirm their legitimacy. Some simple rules to keep you secure are:

· Use a door chain until you have checked and confirmed the callers identity

· Ask for identification, call up the company to check their identity and DO NOT allow them into your house until you are happy

· If you aren’t happy please call the police using 101 and we will attend to check their identity

· DO NOT agree to pay them there and then and get any quotes in writing

· If they claim to have carried out work you don’t believe has been carried out or asked for call the Police using 101.