Policing update;

The following is a local policing update for the Rural Flegg Villages neighbourhood

Weekly crime summary 26 January 2016

Police in Great Yarmouth are asking people to make sure they secure their cycles after a number of cycles have been stolen across the District.

Cyclists are reminded to:

· Always lock you cycle, even if you’re only leaving it for a moment. We recommend a heavy D-lock is used.

· Where possible leave your cycle in a well-lit area where it may be overlooked or where there may be CCTV coverage.

· Lock your bike through the frame and secure removable parts

· Make the lock or chain hard to manoeuvre when parked and face the lock towards the ground to make it difficult to pick

· At home keep your bike out of public view, preferably in a shed, garage or inside your property

· Secure your cycle to an immovable object for added security

If you see anyone acting suspiciously near a cycle storage area or an unattended cycle, call the police straight away.

If you are looking to buy a second hand cycle, please buy from a reputable person or outlet. Be suspicious if a high quality cycle is being offered for sale at an unexpectedly low price, or in suspicious circumstances. If police enquiries show you have purchased a stolen cycle, the cycle will be seized and returned to the original owner and may make you liable for arrest.

Again, if you have any concerns, call police on 101.

Detective appeal for information in relation to a 40-year-old murder case

Detectives investigating a 40-year-old murder case have confirmed the victim, found headless at Cockley Cley, was probably a mother.

BBC 1 feature show Inside Out last night focussed on the highly unusual circumstances surrounding the death of the young woman, whose body was discovered in heath land off Swaffham Road in the village on 27 August 1974.

Tests on her remains had revealed the woman, whose identity remains a mystery, suggested she had probably given birth to a child or children.

It is possible that with the advances we have made in recent years in science and technology we could use the DNA recovered to link the woman to a living family member which could provide the breakthrough in the case.

Scientist employed as part of the investigation believe the victim had spent time in an area defined central Europe this would encompass Denmark, Germany, Austria and Northern Italy.

Another interesting feature was her diet, which appeared to be predominately fish/shellfish. This led us to one report of a woman known as ‘The Duchess’, who lived and worked around Yarmouth docks and was thought to be from Denmark. She was known to people in the Great Yarmouth area around 1973/74 but one day just disappeared. It may be that ‘The Duchess’ has nothing to do with this enquiry but we would very much like to be able to eliminate her as the victim at Cockley Cley as we have been unable to establish her true identity.

If anyone does have any knowledge of who the ‘The Duchess’ may have been or has any information about the victim at Cockley Cley we would be very pleased to speak to them in confidence if necessary. We believe the victim was murdered in the first or second week of August 1974, so would ask members of the public, is there a female relative, friend, neighbour or colleague who disappeared about this time and has not been seen since? This would apply even if you reported her missing to the police at the time.

Anyone with information to the case or believes they have may know the victim should contact the investigation team on 01953 424520.

Planning Applications Received;

Two planning applications received at the Parish Office;
06/15/0780/O – 3 No. detached houses dwellings with garages. Rear of Selwyn House, 28 The Green, Martham.
06/16/0012/F – New chalet bungalow. Rear Of 33 Staithe Road, Martham.

Parish Council Meeting;

There is a presentation from Badger Builders tonight at the Parish Council meeting, 7.30pm Community Centre, with regard to a potential development off Repps Road, at the back of Rising Way. Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Policing Update;

The following is a local policing update for the Rural Flegg Villages neighbourhood

Weekly crime summary 12 January 2016

At present we are suffering a spate of shed and outbuilding burglaries in the area. These buildings are often left insecure or with old or damaged locks that are no deterrent to offenders.

Following a few simple measures can improve the security of your shed or outbuilding and make life difficult for thieves:

· Good security lighting works well but as some break ins are carried out during daylight hours shed alarms can also be purchased which will sound when a break in is taking place.

· Outer perimeter security also needs to be maintained making access to the shed harder for any offenders, so keep fences in good order and lock any gate access.

· Fit quality mortice locks or padlocks, ideally in two places on the door, to reduce the leverage available

· It is a good idea to keep details of high value items such as bikes and lawn mowers, take photographs, note the make, model and serial number and also ensure they are added to home insurance cover.

· Overtly mark your property with your house number and postcode – permanently marked property is less attractive as it is difficult for a thief to sell.

If you notice any unusual activity you can contact police on 101, or if you believe a crime is actually in progress please dial 999. You can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

There are many useful home security tips on our websitewww.norfolk.police.uk or you can request crime prevention advice by contacting your Safer Neighbourhood Team on 101 and asking for Richard Wolsey, Crime Reduction Officer for Great Yarmouth.

Winter weather

Norfolk Police are advising motorists to be aware of the wintery weather that is forecast for later this week. Sleet and snow showers are expected, which can result in driving conditions deteriorating fast and make driving hazardous. Please note the following advice:

Make sure all your car lights are working and you have no failed bulbs. Ensure that dirt, salt and snow is cleared away from light fixtures.
Always ensure all windows are fully cleared of any snow, frost and condensation before setting off on a journey – it is illegal to drive with obscured vision.
Clear any snow from the top of the car as this can fall down and obscure your windscreen while you are driving.
Keep windscreen washer fluid topped up as windscreens quickly become dirty from traffic spray and salt from the roads.
Make sure you have sufficient fuel for your journey. Keep the fuel tank topped up.
Give yourself extra time for your journey and drive at a constant speed. Accept your journey will take longer and don’t take risks.
Take a mobile telephone with you and make sure it is fully charged. Carry a mobile charger in the car.
If you get stuck in the snow stay with your car, but in an emergency if you do need to leave it, park it out of the main traffic route, where it won’t cause an obstruction when conditions ease.

Leave a contact number on the inside of the windscreen and return to your car at the first opportunity you have.