Planning Decision;

Planning notification received at the Parish Office;
06/15/0767/F – 5 Rochford Road – Extensions to front and rear. GRANTED.

Policing update;

The following is a local policing update for the Rural Flegg Villages neighbourhood

Weekly crime summary 2 February 2016

Police remind residents of the importance of protecting yourself from common scams

Every year, the British public loses billions of pounds to scammers who bombard us with online, mail, door to door, and telephone scams.

Police would like to remind residents that your bank and the police will NEVER contact you and ask for personal information, in particular banking details, over the phone or via email.

Depending on who you bank with the security questions asked by your bank may vary, but the bank will never ask you to authorise anything by entering your PIN into the telephone. You should also never agree to anyone coming to your home to collect your card. Should you receive this type of call put the phone down as this is a well-known scam.

We have also noticed an increase in reports of the number of letters arriving that are about a large lottery win from abroad. Again this is a common scam and you should NEVER send money in response to any of these requests.

The Metropolitan Police Service has produced the ‘Little Book of Big Scams’, which gives information on how you can protect yourself from many of the most frequent scams and can also be accessed via the Safety Advice section of our website…/onlinesaf…/avoidingscams.aspx

If you are not happy with the reason a person has come to your door, or are concerned about the legitimacy of a company making contact with you, please contact a neighbour, friend, family member or call the Police on 101 for advice.
Police appeal for witnesses following a dog attack in Gorleston

Officers are appealing for witnesses to come forward following an incident that took place on Thursday 14 January 2016 at 6.39am on Breydon Road, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth.

A man was walking his dog when a large dog, similar to a Rottweiler, grabbed his dog causing injury.

As the male picked his injured dog up the Rottweiler type dog attacked the man causing a large cut on his rear lower back.

The owner, who was unable to control his dog, is described as being white, 5ft 8, stocky build, aged in his late 50s wearing a woolly hat and carrying a shiny wooden walking stick.

Police are asking for any members of the public with knowledge of the dog or owner to contact PC Pete Richeda from Gorleston Police Station on 101 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.
Police investigate burglary in Great Yarmouth

Police are appealing for information following a burglary in Great Yarmouth.

A property in Jellicoe Road was entered sometime between 12.30pm and 1.50pm on Wednesday 27 January 2016. It is possible the resident was in the property during the incident.

Police are reminding members of the public to keep their premises secure even whilst inside their property. This is especially important if a significant amount of time will be sent in their gardens or upstairs.

A number of items were stolen during the burglary including a Play Station 4, controller and headset.

Anyone who may have seen any suspicious activity in the area between the times stated or anyone with information about the PS4 should contact DS Craig Lovatt at Great Yarmouth Police Station on 101 or alternatively contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

Appeal following Bradwell burglary

Police are appealing for information following a burglary in Bradwell.

Some perfume and a Kindle were stolen from an address in Grebe Close sometime between 8.20am and 3.15pm on Wednesday 27 January 2016.

Anyone who may have seen any suspicious activity in the area between the times stated or anyone with information should contact DC Richard Wallis at Great Yarmouth CID on 101.

Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

Parish Council Election;

Have you ever considered becoming a Parish Councillor and being more involved in the work of the Parish?
Martham Parish Council will be standing down this year, and a newly formed Council will take their seats at the Annual Meeting on the 18th May after the election on the 5th.
Broadly speaking to stand you must be over 18, and an elector of the Parish – there are other disqualifications and qualifications that the Clerk can help you with if you are interested.
The next Parish Council meeting is on the 17th February 2016 at 7.30pm at the Community Centre and this would be a good opportunity to see the Council in action.
The Council meets monthly except for August, on a Wednesday evening, and Councillors are expected to keep abreast of legislation and paperwork in order to inform their decision making, training is available.
The Clerk is there to support and inform the Council and Councillors, to carry out decisions taken at meetings and ensure that the Council paperwork and accountancy practices are in order.
If you would like to discuss membership of the Council, eligibility of standing for Office, the work of Councillor or how to stand for election please do contact the Clerk on 01493 749938 or
More information on the election will be available as it gets nearer.

Planning decision;

06/15/0711/F – 37 Cess Road
Retrospective application for the removal of a hedge and erection of a 1.8 metre high fence. GRANTED.


Currently the only individual or organisation with a right of appeal over a planning decision is the applicant.
There is a petition to ask the government to debate giving that right to Parish Councils;

Land Registry First Tier Tribunal Hearing;

This has now been postponed.

The Parish Council was anticipating attending a hearing scheduled for the beginning of February in Lowestoft, to address the issues concerning the Village Green. Due to judiciary availability this has now been cancelled.

The new dates will be published when the Parish Council is notified by the Land Registry.