Forthcoming Election;

Nomination forms are now available from the Parish Office. They cannot be returned to Great Yarmouth Borough Council until March 31st – and the closing date is 7th April at 4pm. They must be hand delivered to Great Yarmouth

If you are interested in putting yourself forward as a Councillor, would like to know more about what that involves, or need help with the form, the Parish Clerk would be pleased to talk to you. Alternatively forms can be downloaded from the Electoral Commission site online, along with a timetable.

The next Parish Council meeting is Wednesday 16th March at 7.30pm in the Community Centre – the public are welcome to attend.

Good Neighbour Scheme;

Parishioners are invited to become involved in a new scheme in Martham being set up by Community Action Norfolk. The Scheme is aimed at helping elderly, disabled or vulnerable people with everyday errands such as shopping, gardening or dog walking.

Community Action Norfolk will support the scheme with setting up a committee, providing a mobile phone, and organising insurance. The committee of volunteers will then decide how much they are able to commit to doing.

A first public meeting is being held on the 22nd March at the Community Centre, Playingfield Lane at 6.30pm. It is hoped that as many people as possible will come along to find out more and become involved.

Any questions please contact Charlotte Stannard; 01362 698216 or email

Planning Decisions taken by Great Yarmouth Borough Council;

The Parish Council was represented at the Development Control Committee meeting last night at Great Yarmouth Borough Council;

06/14/0718/O – Outline permission for Land North of Hemsby Road Martham was approved.

06/15/0780/O – Rear of Selwyn House, 28 The Green, Outline permission for three properties was refused.

Martham Applications to be decided by committe 8/3/16;

Planning Applications to be considered by the Development Control Committee – 8th March 2016 at 6.30pm, Council Chamber, Town Hall, Great Yarmouth;

06/15/0780/O – Three detached dwellings with garages at rear of Selwyn House, 28 The Green, Martham.

06/14/0817/O – Residential development, Land North of Hemsby Road, Martham.