Policing Update:

The following is a local policing update for the Rural Flegg Villages neighbourhood

Weekly crime summary 16 August 2016    

Great Yarmouth Operational Partnership Team has been working on building evidence against some of the most prolific offenders of Anti-Social Behaviour in the Borough. In the last 12 months seven Criminal Behaviour Orders have been sought through the courts and all of these have been granted, putting restrictions on offenders who have been the cause of a high percentage of offences.

Only yesterday the most recent order was granted, stopping a habitual street drinker from being allowed to drink alcohol in the street and also from calling emergency services when there is no real emergency, which he had been doing, sometimes several times a day.

The team is currently waiting for two further orders to be heard at court and are also waiting for an amendment to an old order to be heard as the offender has altered his pattern of behaviour but has continued to behave in an anti-social manner.

Some other examples of conditions granted by the Courts across a few different Orders are:

·         Not to use threating abusive or insulting words or behaviour or disorderly behaviour within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress

·         Not to video record, audio record or take pictures of any persons in a public place or pretend to do any of the above.

·         Not to make any malicious complaints against any of your neighbours in the county of Norfolk, to Police or other agencies

·         Not to enter any public inn, club, restaurant, café or any premises selling alcohol for consumption on the premises within the borough of Great Yarmouth


The issuing of these orders has significantly reduced demand on local officers, thus allowing them to deal with real emergency calls and tend to neighbourhood issues


Police appeal for information following burglary in Great Yarmouth

At some point on Friday 12 August between 3:00pm and 7.00pm, offenders gained entry to a property on Dickens Avenue. It is currently believed that items were moved but nothing was taken.

Police would like to speak to anyone who may have witnessed any suspicious behaviour in or around the location around the times specified.

Anyone with any information should contact Norfolk Police on 101 or alternatively contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

FIrst Tier Land Registration Ajudication received:

Martham Parish Council is pleased to be able to say that the adjudication of the Case concerning vehicular access over the village green has been received from H M Courts and Tribunal Service.

The application for vehicular access to the property on the Green has been dismissed.

Given that the Parish Council has won the Case it will now be seeking reimbursement of costs incurred.

Registration of Public Right of Way – Cess Road, Martham

The Parish Council is progressing the above registration application with Norfolk County Council, and has been well supported with over 50 witnesses who have completed forms to show that they have used Cess Road to access the Riverbank Footpath 1.

The Council would particularly like to add to these witnesses with individuals who DO NOT LIVE WITHIN THE PARISH but have walked this route historically.

If you know anyone who has used Cess Road to access the Riverbank whether by foot, horse, or bicycle, and does not live within the Parish of Martham please can you ask them to contact the Parish Clerk and complete a form.

Perhaps a relative who visits? A friend from a local village? Someone who comes on holiday?

It would be most helpful if they could complete a form and map. Please contact;

Parish Clerk – Sarah Hunt – 01493 749938
email; clerk@martham.gov.uk