Police update:

The following is a local policing update for your neighbourhood

Fake Irish notes

Police are warning retailers to be vigilant after reports of fake Irish notes being used in stores across the county.

There have been a number of reports today (Wednesday 31 August 2016) of fake Irish £20 and £50 notes being handed over at stores in the North Norfolk, Kings Lynn and Great Yarmouth areas.

Retailers are being urged to be vigilant and to take crime prevention measures, such as using a UV light or a testing pen which will indicate whether a note is genuine.

Police Warning:

Police issue warning about bogus callers

Police are urging residents to be vigilant following a number of suspected bogus caller incidents in recent weeks.

Officers have received reports of incidents in the Norwich, Blakeney, Great Yarmouth, Horning, Poringland and Costessey areas. In each case a man has knocked at the door claiming to be there to either read a gas or electricity meter, or to check the boiler.

Police are reminding householders to be vigilant when dealing with cold callers and offer the following advice:

·          Close and lock the back door before answering the front door.

·          Use a spy hole or window to look at the caller before answering the door.

·          If you do not recognise the caller, speak to them through the closed door.

·          If the caller is selling something or offering work on your home, tell them you are not interested and ask them to leave.

·          If they do not leave or you need assistance then call the police.

·          If the caller is valid still always ask for proof of identity. Phone the company or organisation the caller claims to be from while the caller waits outside.

·          Tell someone you trust about the uninvited callers to your home.

·          If necessary, report it to police with a description of the people involved and details of their vehicle if possible.

To report suspicious activity call Norfolk Constabulary on 101. In an emergency always dial 999

Planning Consultation;

Great Yarmouth Local Plan – ‘Call for Sites and Policy Suggestions’ 2016

Regulation 18 – Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012

Great Yarmouth Borough Council is preparing the Local Plan Part 2: Detailed Policies and Site Allocations, which (once finalised) will allocate land for new development and apply policies to meet local needs in the Borough up to 2030. As part of this process the Council is seeking suggestions of what should be included in the plan.

This call for suggestions is an opportunity (until Friday 30th September 2016) for developers, landowners, individuals or other interested parties to suggest sites for allocation for development for housing (including gypsy & traveller sites), employment, retail, tourism, community facilities, green infrastructure or other types of development.  Sites or localities/areas may also be suggested for special policy treatment (e.g. protection, designation or particular requirements for their development, etc.), and other matters suggested for inclusion in the Detailed Policies and Site Allocations document.

It is important to understand that

(a)    the choices of sites and policies will have to be compatible with the already adopted Core Strategy (the Local Plan Part 1), especially the overall scale, distribution and type of development identified in it, and have regard to the National Planning Policy Framework;

(b)   suggestions of policies and sites will have most chances of success if their relevance to the Core Strategy is demonstrated;

(c)    sites proposed for development will also be most likely to be successful if they are demonstrated to be available and developable;

(d)   sites within the designated Broads ‘national park’ area will not be included (the Broads Authority is the local planning authority for the Broads and produces a separate local plan for that area). 

How to Submit Suggestions

If you have a suggestion of a development site, area policy or other matter for inclusion, please click here to download and complete the ‘Call for Sites and Policy Suggestions’ form, further copies are available from Great Yarmouth Town Hall.  Completed forms should be returned, with a scaled site plan if a development site is proposed, to the Strategic Planning team or to localplan@greatyarmouth.gov.uk by Friday 30th September 2016.

If you have previously submitted a site for consideration, please indicate its continued availability by completing the form and provide the latest details, highlighting that it is a previously submitted site. New or more up-to-date information about previously submitted sites will help inform their reconsideration, such as changes in ownership or information in relation to their availability or deliverability. Sites which are not confirmed as still available for development will be assumed to be unavailable and not included or assessed in this process.  Except for this, all sites put forward will be considered to assess their potential suitability for allocation for development or special policy treatment in the Local Plan. 

What Happens Next?

All suggestion and sites put forward will be assessed, and the most suitable used in preparing the Local Plan Part 2: Detailed Policies and Site Allocations, which (once finalised) will allocate land for new development and apply policies to meet local needs in the Borough up to 2031.

Sites proposed for development will also be reviewed through a process known as the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA).  This is intended to monitor whether the Borough has enough realistic housing and economic development land available at any time, and is expected to be completed in advance of the plan document. 

It is important to note that the inclusion of a site in the SHELAA does not represent policy, and does not provide any indication as to whether they may be allocated in the Local Plan or that it will be granted planning permission. (The SHELAA identifies land which might be developed, as opposed to the plan which will identify land which should be developed and will influence decisions on planning applications.)

Further Consultation

The Borough Council will publish a Consultation Draft of its Detailed Policies and Site Allocations Document (currently anticipated early in 2017), representing its initial thinking.  This will be publicised, providing an opportunity for comment by anyone interested. Those comments will be taken into account by the Borough Council before it finalises its proposals.  There will then be another opportunity for comments, which will be considered by an independent planning inspector who will decide whether the Borough Council can adopt the proposed plan document.

Further Queries

Should you have any further questions on this matter, please contact the Strategic Planning team on 01493 846688 or by email localplan@great-yarmouth.gov.uk.



Policing update:

The following is a local policing update for the Rural Flegg Villages neighbourhood

Weekly crime summary 25 August 2016     

Norfolk Police are reminding residents of the importance of water safety as the current warm weather looks to continue over the bank holiday weekend.

We would urge people to be aware of the potential dangers of swimming in the sea or diving into rivers, lakes and reservoirs.

·         Beware of powerful tidal waters and always read and obey any safety signs.

·         Do not jump or dive into rivers. Quick entry into cold water can cause your body to go into shock. Low water temperature can numb limbs and claim lives.

·         You won’t be able to judge the depth of water just by looking and there could be submerged hazards such as weeds, rubbish or pollution.

·         There may be strong currents, which could pull you downstream or under the surface of the water.

·         Never go into water if you have been drinking alcohol.

·         Don’t assume because you can swim in a pool that you can deal with the challenges of open water swimming. Swim in safe areas, or where there is supervision and/or a lifeguard.

 Advice to motorbike and moped owners

We continue to see a number of mopeds and low cc motorbikes stolen across the neighbourhood, which are very appealing to thieves due to how easy they are to steal and pass on.  Frustratingly some of these have been bikes with very few security measures protecting them.  Even very basic security measures can deter the opportunist thief.

·         Never leave your keys with the motorbike or moped.

·         Try to use a designated motorcycle parking place with a stand and security loop. If you have a garage, fit strong locks and invest in a ground anchor.

·         Cover your machine if possible

·         Always put the steering lock on

·         If you have a security device, use it

·         Fit an industry approved electronic immobiliser – this may also help reduce your insurance costs

·         Register your vehicle at www.immobilise.com


We are also asking members of the public to be vigilant for suspicious activity around motorbikesand would urge anyone with information about the thefts, or who has been offered a bike for sale in suspicious circumstances, to get in touch with police on 101.

 Pilot launch to help residents in Gorleston access more police services

Norfolk Constabulary is working with Norfolk County Council’s Library and Information Service to test a new way of helping residents access more police services in libraries.

The six month trial will run from the end of September in Gorleston and will involve library staff signposting customers to police services, while also helping them complete online self-reporting forms, a function which will soon be available as part of the Constabulary’s new website.

Library staff will also be able to help customers with online enquiries about lost and found items; however members of the public will not be able to take these items to the library.

Members of the public who require an emergency response from Norfolk Constabulary should call 999 or dial 101 for less-urgent crime reporting or to speak to a specific officer or member of staff.

Police Connect

 Please note that due to the introduction of new software the Police Connect service has altered.

We will continue to provide a weekly update and overview for your area and will highlight any crime trends or issues that you need to be aware of.  Urgent crime updates or appeals for information will also be issued as necessary.

News, appeals and information can also be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week atwww.norfolk.police.uk


Exercise Classes:

Are there any particular type of exercise class you would like to see at the Community Centre?  Please let the Parish Clerk know;  clerk@martham.gov.uk  or telephone 749938

Vacancy for Parish Councillor;

Following the resignation of Cllr Wendy Llewellyn the Parish Council has notified Great Yarmouth Borough Council that there is a vacancy.

The Borough Council will generate notices which will give members of the Parish the opportunity to request an election to fill the vacancy, these will be on all noticeboards.

If an election is called, the normal process will be followed with those putting themselves forward for nomination via Great Yarmouth Borough Council and a poll taken.

If no election is requested the vacancy will be advertised and those interested will apply to the Parish Council who will fill the vacancy by co-option.

If you  have any questions, or would like to discuss becoming a Councillor, please contact the Parish Clerk or any Councillor who will be pleased to discuss this with you.