Policing Update:

The following is a local policing update for the Rural Flegg Villages neighbourhood

Weekly crime summary 14 February 2017 

Extra patrols following drugs discovery

 National Crime Agency officers are continuing investigations into the discovery of cocaine on the Norfolk coast last week; this work involves law enforcement partners in the UK and overseas.

Extra officers remain in the area to monitor the situation.

Should anyone find anything suspicious we would reiterate our advice to contact police immediately on 101.  Anyone with information about the source of the cocaine should call police or can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

 Great Yarmouth volunteer police cadets

 Great Yarmouth is currently recruiting volunteer police cadets.  Applications are open to anyone between the ages of 13 to 18 who can attend weekly cadet sessions.

The Norfolk Police Volunteer Cadets scheme is designed to raise the aspirations of young people, whilst instilling them with a sense of hard work, discipline and an idea of what it is to be a good citizen. The scheme focuses not just on policing as a profession but also encourages cadets to see the importance of their local community and provides the chance for them to give something back to the area in which they live.

Please visit Great Yarmouth police station or email the team for an application form at GYCadets@norfolk.pnn.police.uk.  The closing date for applications is 28 February 2017.


Further news, appeals and information can also be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at www.norfolk.police.uk

Policing update:

The following is a local policing update for the Rural Flegg Villages neighbourhood

Weekly crime summary 7 February 2017

False loans and fraud warning

Police have been made aware of a couple of recent instances where individuals have made large purchases of Itunes vouchers and are concerned this may be linked to a scam.

It is important to protect yourself from frauds involving false loans/advance fee fraud and phishing.  Fraudsters often target victims to make advance or upfront payments for goods, services or financial services that do not then materialise and we believe the Itunes vouchers have been purchased for this purpose.

Action Fraud offer specialist support and advise to help protect you from becoming a victim of this type of crime:

  1. Do not give any personal information (name, address, bank details, email or phone number) to organisations or people before verifying their credentials.
  1. Many frauds start with a ‘phishing email’. Remember that banks and financial institutions will not send you an email asking you to click on a link and confirm your bank details. Do not trust such emails, even if they look genuine. You can always call your bank using the phone number on a genuine piece of correspondence, website (typed directly into the address bar) or the phone book to check if you’re not sure.
  1. Destroy and preferably shred receipts with your card details on and post with your name and address on. Identity fraudsters don’t need much information in order to be able to clone your identity.
  1. Make sure your computer has up-to-date anti-virus software and a firewall installed. Ensure your browser is set to the highest level of security notification and monitoring to prevent malware issues and computer crimes.
  1. Sign-up to Verified by Visa or MasterCard Secure Code whenever you are given the option while shopping online. This involves you registering a password with your card company and adds an additional layer of security to online transactions with signed-up retailers.
  1. If you receive bills, invoices or receipts for things you haven’t bought, or financial institutions you don’t normally deal with contact you about outstanding debts, take action. Your identity may have been stolen.
  1. Be extremely wary of post, phone calls or emails offering business deals or loans out of the blue. If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Always question it.
  2. If you have been a victim of fraud, be aware of fraud recovery fraud. This is when fraudsters pretend to be a lawyer or a law enforcement officer and tell you they can help you recover the money you’ve already lost.

If you need advice about fraud, call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or contact police on 101.

Man robbed of cash at ATM in King Street, Great Yarmouth

Detectives in Great Yarmouth are appealing for witnesses following a robbery in King Street.

It happened on Monday 30 January as the victim was withdrawing cash from the ATM at the Nationwide Building Society at about 6.30pm.

The victim, a man in his 60s, was approached from behind and assaulted before having his money snatched.

The suspect got away with £200 and was seen to run off across the Market Place, past the Feathers pub towards Market Gates then Temple Road onto North Market Road.

He is described as young male, white, and was wearing a black hooded top and grey tracksuit bottoms.

The victim was uninjured but left very shocked by the incident and police are keen to hear from anyone who may have witnessed the incident or has information concerning it.

Witnesses should contact Detective Constable Tom Gibbs at Great Yarmouth CID on 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.


Further news, appeals and information can also be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at www.norfolk.police.uk

Road Closure:


Road closure at Hemsby Road, Martham for resurfacing

Work will begin on Saturday 18 February to carry out resurfacing works on Hemsby Road, Martham. The site will extend from the access to the Medical Centre to the junction with Walnut Tree Avenue. The work will take two days to complete subject to suitable weather conditions.

During the resurfacing works it will be necessary to close the road to all through traffic for two days.

A fully signed diversion via Somerton, Winterton & Hemsby will be in place for the duration of the works. Traffic management operatives will be available on site to guide motorists as required

Access to businesses and properties will be maintained from one end of the closure at any time but it is inevitable that there will be some disruption.  The County Council apologises for any inconvenience this may cause.

The work which will cost £47,000 will be carried out by Norfolk County Council’s Community & Environmental Services Department and their contractors.

 For Further Information

Dave Barley, Surfacing Engineer   0344 800 8020.

 Up-to-date information about roadworks in Norfolk is available on the County Council website at www.norfolk.gov.uk/roadworks

Planning Development Control Committee at Great Yarmouth Borough Council 8th February 6.30pm, Council Chamber, Town Hall;

Two applications within the Parish will be considered at the above Committee meeting;

Planning Application No. 06/16/0435/O – Outline application with all matters reserved apart from access for up to one hundred and forty four new dwellings at land south of Repps Road, Martham, Great Yarmouth.

Planning Application No. 06/16/0811/F – Roundabout and New Access Road at land South of Repps Road, Martham, Great Yarmouth.

A copy of the committee report can be downloaded from the GYBC website from Wednesday 1st February 2017.


Weekly Crime Summary

The following is a local policing update for the Rural Flegg Villages neighbourhood 

Weekly crime summary 17 January 2017

Operation Gravity update – further arrests and partnership working

Operation Gravity enquiries remain a top priority for Norfolk Police with two more men arrested on Sunday afternoon as part of our campaign against drug dealing in the county.

At around 4pm, intelligence gathered as part of Operation Gravity led officers to a suspicious vehicle in the Brazengate area of Norwich.  However, when approached by a marked police car it failed to stop at the scene.

A short while later two men were arrested in connection with the incident. The first man, in his early 30s from the London area, was arrested on suspicion of offences including burglary, theft of a motor vehicle, possession of Class B drugs (cannabis) and possession of bladed article.  The second, a Norwich man in his late 30s, was arrested on suspicion of offences including driving under the influence of drugs, failing to stop driving when directed, dangerous driving, possession of Class A drugs (cocaine) and burglary.

T/Chief Superintendent Dave Marshall, Norfolk’s County Policing Commander, welcomed the arrest, saying: “We will take any opportunity we have to target people who we believe are involved in drug dealing in our county.  Intelligence forms a significant part of our operation and this type of action is only possible if we are made aware of any suspicious behaviour. These arrests show how much local communities working with us is key to successfully tackling this type of criminality.”

As Operation Gravity gains momentum across the county, Norfolk Constabulary is continuing to pull forces with partner agencies to target drug dealing.

Housing providers, including Flagship Group, have been working jointly with Norfolk Constabulary to identify households which are at risk of exploitation by criminals involved in the use of and distribution of illegal drugs.

Flagship’s Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Officers have been undertaking door to door visits to speak with witnesses who have come forward with information. The work has been a combination of ASB officers speaking with tenants, as well as joint visits with the police.  The ASB officers have provided support and reassurance to potentially vulnerable victims. This early intervention can prevent people from becoming victims of crime.

Any information obtained has then been shared with Norfolk Constabulary and as a result officers have started to take action against people identified as potential criminals.

Ritch Bartlett, ASB Officer for Flagship said: “The multi-agency approach has been very successful so far. We have been working closely with the police as well as a number of other local agencies to gather and share intelligence. We find that sometimes people feel more comfortable speaking with us rather than other organisations, as there is the familiarity. We support the police during their investigations and have an important role to play.”

Chief Superintendent Dave Marshall said: “Our work with partner agencies is essential in making Operation Gravity a success. This is not just a police matter and we cannot go in with enforcement alone.

“This multi-agency working, including our work with housing, will enable us to identify individuals at risk, as well as those involved in drug related criminal activity and will be key in breaking the cycle from drug use, to drug dealing and other crimes.”

We want to reassure communities that any information they submit will be treated in confidence and that you are keeping your community safer by telling us what you know about drug activity.

If you suspect drug dealing in your neighbourhood it may look like:

  • Groups of people coming and going from an address at all times of the day and night
  • The discarding of Class A paraphernalia such as syringes and cellophane
  • General anti-social behaviour without any other explanation

If you want to remain completely anonymous you can report any information to independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555111. They will not take any personal details and your phone number cannot be traced.

 Further news, appeals and information can also be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at www.norfolk.police.uk