Planning Application received:

Planning Application received from Great Yarmouth Borough Council for comment;

06/17/0317/F – 2 Daisy Close, Martham, NR29 4PT. Proposed single storey rear extension.

Community Gym

The Community Gym facility at the Community Centre is now open with GoGeronimo delivering the service.

It is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings, and costs just £3.50 per session with no membership fees.

All exercise is delivered by brilliant qualified instructors, and anyone can attend – as many or as few times as you like.

If you are interested please come and have a look around between 9 and 12, or telephone the clerk on 01493 749938.

Planning Applications Received:

Planning Applications received from Great Yarmouth Borough Council for comment;

06/17/0281/F – 3 Staithe Road, Martham, NR29 4PT. Remove existing conservatory and replace with larger brick built room.

06/17/0305/F – 5 Willow Way, Martham, NR29 4SH. Side extension to existing house and reconstruction of detached garage.

Planning Application received:

Planning application received from Great Yarmouth Borough Council; 06/17/0267/F – Selwyn House, 28 The Green, Martham, NR29 4PA. Conversion of Barn to dwelling.
The above plans have been received at the Parish Office and are available on the Great Yarmouth Borough Council website for review.