Police Message;

Norfolk on the look-out for new Special Constables

New recruits are being sought to join Norfolk’s team of more than 200 committed Special Constables.

Norfolk’s Special Constabulary is hosting a recruitment evening on Tuesday 27th June 2017 at 7pm in The Forum, Norwich.

The county currently has some 222 special constables who regularly give up their spare time to assist their regular police colleagues in the fight against crime.

Norfolk continues to be on the look-out for committed individuals who are keen to experience the world of policing while supporting their local community.

Specials manager Sue Goode, said: “Being a Special is a very fulfilling and interesting role where no two duties are the same.

“They are entrusted with considerable responsibilities and every time they come on duty they face the same challenges and problems encountered by regular officers.

“We are very proud of the team we currently havein Norfolk and we would be keen for anyone who may be keen togain new skills ortogive something back to their community to get in touch.

“Whatever your motivation, becoming a Special can be exciting, challenging and rewarding.”

The role of a Special Constable includes providing highly visibility patrols and helping police major incidents and events. They also offer vital links in the partnership between the police service and the public.

The recruitment event is due to take place at 7pm The Forum, Millennium Plain, Norwich, NR2 1TF.

Attendees will be given information on the recruitment process, the roles of a Special Constable and have the opportunity to meet a number of those already out on the beat.

To book your place at the recruitment evening, please contact 01953 425699 ext. 2371 or email stepspecials@norfolk.pnn.police.uk

If you are unable to make the evening, but would still like to find out more, please call the above number or visit our website at http://www.norfolk.police.uk/.

Planning Decision;

Permission granted by Great Yarmouth Borough Council;

06/17/0224/LB and 06/17/0223/F – Martham Hall, 58 Hall Road Martham. Single storey extension and replacement windows.

Planning Application received;

Application received from Great Yarmouth Borough Council and plans available at the Parish Office:

06/17/0358/F – Somerton Road (Land to South of) & White Street (East of) Church Farm, Martham.

Conversion of existing barn to 2 dwellings and erection of 43 dwellings and associated infrastructure.

Planning Application Received.

06/17/0331/A – 9 The Green, Martham, NR29 4PL

Retrospective illuminated sign over shop front.

The above application is available at the Parish Office to view.

Policing Message:

Police in Norfolk will be targeting motorists who drive under the influence of drink or drugs as part of a month-long campaign.

The campaign, which started on Thursday 1 June and lasts until 30 June and will see officers from the Norfolk and Suffolk Roads Policing Unit breathalysing any driver who is stopped due to concerns over the manner of their driving, a vehicle defect or anyone involved in a collision.

Chief Inspector Kris Barnard, head of the roads policing unit, said: “This is an offence we target all year round but the summer campaign gives us the opportunity to raise awareness of the dangers driving under the influence can have, that a minority of motorists still chose to ignore.

“Drink or drug driving impairs your judgement, making your reactions slower, therefore increasing the chance of being involved in a collision.”

The campaign will involve targeted roadside activities by roads policing officers with support from uniformed colleagues across the county.

During last year’s campaign (2016) 153 motorists were caught drink or drug driving in Norfolk.

Norfolk Police and Crime Commissioner Lorne Green said: “It is clear from last year’s statistics that too many motorists chose to drive while under the influence of drink or drugs. It is just not worth the risk and is an irresponsible and selfish thing to do.

“We all have a part to play in keeping our roads safe so let’s not make this summer one to remember for all the wrong reasons.”