Local Policing Meeting – Invitation;

The next Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel meeting is on the 13th September 2017 at the Community Centre, Playingfield Lane, Martham and is open to the public to enable them to meet with local officers. This meeting will set local policing priorities. If you have any concerns with regard to any incidents within the area please do go along and get your voice heard.

Planning Decisions made by Great Yarmouth Borough Council;

06/17/0396/F – Martham Telephone Exchange, Repps Road, Martham, NR29 4RA.   Change of use from B8 storage to residential, extension to east and small extension to the north, raising roof height to accomodate first floor.  REFUSED.

06/17/0398/F – 4 Cherry Tree Avenue, Martham.  Proposed two storey rear extension and demolition of existing conservatory.  GRANTED

Police Warning:

Warning to residents following further cold caller incident
Officers are reminding Norfolk residents to be vigilant following a further cold caller incident yesterday, Wednesday 16 August.

The victim has been called by a male purporting to be a “DCI Jack Wells” from Scotland Yard Police and has demanded she withdraw a large amount of cash from banks in Acle and Wroxham. The male then stated that someone would come and meet her afterwards to collect the money.

The warning comes after previous calls received by a number of residents in the Norwich, Great Yarmouth, Gorleston and Potter Heigham areas.

Police are urging members of the public to be vigilant when dealing with cold callers and that genuine police officers/staff would never approach residents in this manner or ask them to withdraw money.

Anyone with concerns about such calls should contact Norfolk Police on the non-emergency number 101 or 999 if a crime is in progress. Alternatively, contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.