Diary Date:

The next Police Accountability Forum (PAF) where the PCC will be holding Norfolk’s Chief Constable to account for policing in the county is due to take place on Tuesday 14 November 2017.

The event will be held from 5pm in South Norfolk (venue to be confirmed).

Martham Parish Council consultation;

Martham has a considerable number of housing developments projected, with many applications already approved and more anticipated. The village is also a through-route for traffic to nearby Parishes who are also subject to considerable development over the next few years.
The Parish Council is keen to canvas Parishioners to ascertain what additional facilities they would like to see within the Parish, and how they would evidence those suggestions. This information will be used by the Parish Council to substantiate S106 requests through Great Yarmouth Borough Council, suggestions must be to mitigate the increase in numbers of people living within the Parish, and must be able to be evidenced.
The Council is also seeking to work with Traffic Management Planners to address any concerns raised by residents as the developments go ahead, and would welcome comments with regard to traffic within the village.
The Parish Council would welcome responses from either individuals, or groups, and would be pleased to hear from you.
Please email; clerk@martham.gov.uk or write to: Martham Parish Council, Community Centre, Playingfield Lane, Martham, NR29 4SP