Who to contact concerning rural crime;

Farm / Agricultural & general advice
DC Andy Brown Tel 101 or 07900 407106 OperationRandall@norfolk.pnn.police.uk
Metal Theft
DC Andy Brown Tel 101 or 07900 407106 OperationRandall@norfolk.pnn.police.uk
Wildlife Crime
Insp Jon Papworth Tel 101 or WildlifeCrime@norfolk.pnn.police.uk
Community concerns & Newsletter feedback
Sgt Danny Leach OperationRandall@norfolk.pnn.police.uk
All other enquiries
DC Andy Brown OperationRandall@norfolk.pnn.police.uk

Police request for information:

Police investigate burglary in Scratby

Police are investigating a burglary in Scratby.

A property on Beach Road was broken into between 12pm and 2.15pm on Wednesday 1 November. It’s not known at this stage whether anything has been stolen.

Anyone who may have seen any suspicious activity in the area between the times stated, or anyone with information, should contact DC Gavin Rivett at Great Yarmouth CID on 101.

Alternatively contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.


County Lines Performance – Great Yarmouth Charter Academy – CANCELLED

Unfortunately, Norfolk Police have today been informed that due to unforeseen circumstances Great Yarmouth Charter Academy have cancelled their performance of County Lines tomorrow (Wednesday 11th October).

There is another performance at East Norfolk Sixth Form college which you are welcome to attend as an alternative. This will be on Monday 16th October at 6pm.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Applications received from Great Yarmouth Borough Council;

06/17/0602/F – 55 Staithe Road, Martham, NR29 4PY. Construction of a small timber outbuilding to house therapeutic spa.
06/17/0582/LB – 27 The Green, Brooklyn House, Martham, NR29 4PL. Fitting of an Air Source Heat Pump – diesel fuel tank and a diesel fired boiler, all located externally.
06/17/0611/F – 27 The Green, Brooklyn House, Martham, NR29 4PL. Fitting of an Air Source Heat Pump – diesel fuel tank and a diesel fired boiler, all located externally.

Police Announcement:

Engagement Officers launch new project ‘Community SOS’
A new project is being launched by Norfolk Constabulary’s seven Engagement Officers in a bid to build stronger links with local communities.

Called ‘Community SOS’, they will as a group give up a day, when not on duty, to assist with a local project in their district.

The officers have been in post for a year, with their roles supporting existing community relationships by growing new local activities and providing enhanced visibility in every district. This is through the use of social media, Police Connect and frequent face-to-face meetings.
Additionally, the officers are supporting and increasing the use of Special Constables, Police Cadets, Police Support Volunteers, Neighbourhood Watch and Community Speed Watch schemes.
The seven officers are:

• PC Emily Carter – King’s Lynn and West Norfolk
• PC Amy Lucas – Breckland
• PC Adam Binns – Norwich
• PC Hannah Gardiner – Great Yarmouth
• PC Jim Squires – South Norfolk
• PC Andy Mason – Broadland
• PC Pete Davison – North Norfolk

PC Jim Squires said “We have just launched this initiative and need your help!

“We are looking for a community project for each of the seven districts, which could do with a little help.

“If you have a village hall that needs a re-paint or an over-grown garden that needs tidying up, we want to come along and help for the day.

“The Police Cadets are also available to come and help if it requires more man-power.”

The closing date for people to send their ‘Community SOS’ request in is Tuesday 31 October 2017. The Engagement Officers will then choose one project to help with in each district and will contact the coordinator directly to arrange dates and times.

If you have a project suitable for this, please send a brief, which is no more than 500 words, along with any pictures to: squiresjr@norfolk.pnn.police.uk by the closing date.