
Your Parish Councillors 

Bob Fossey (Chairman)  07748630073 Email

I moved to Martham from Beccles in the early 1980s. I have two grown-up children who both went to school in Martham and I have three grandchildren. I am semi-retired, I work part-time for the National Trust and also as a volunteer. My main hobbies are cycling and running. I enjoy talking to people and continuing to learn.

All councillors have to make a declaration of personal interests which can be found on the Great Yarmouth Borough Council website once updated here. A copy of these records are also kept by the Parish Council. 

Ian Bradford 01493 748358 Email

I became a Councillor in May 2012. I moved to Martham from South London in 1980 and have lived here ever since, I have three children. I worked for Granada TV for 30 years before starting Premier Electronics in 2004. I am Chairman of Martham Football Club and a Trustee on Martham Boat Dyke Trust and Chairman of Martham Playing Field Committee. I very much enjoy Village life and will endeavour to keep the Community spirit going.

Paul Hooper 01493 748474 Email

Paul Hooper



I became a Councillor in May 2012. I have lived in the village since 1984. I am married and have three children and six grandchildren. My interest is in planning and how it will effect our village.

Bob Huxtable 01493 740882 Email



I am the longest-serving Parish Councillor having first become a member in 1983. I have wide-ranging interests from brass band to cycling to maintaining my allotment. I am also keen on maintaining local footpaths and the historic village staithes.

Vicky Smith 01493 249599 email

“I’ve lived in Martham since 2007 and work for a charity. I’ve spent many years volunteering as a digital champion supporting people to get online. Since becoming a Parish Councillor in 2013, I’ve been a member of the Parish Council’s Communications sub-committee.  This group works to improve how easy it is to contact the council, keep up to date on Council news, have your say and take action.”

Colin Starking’s (Vice-Chairman) 01493 748401 email

I have lived in Martham since 1971, now retired having worked in agriculture and road transport. I have two children and two grandchildren. I am interested in the environment and bowling at Martham Bowls Club.

Terry Watson 01493 748559 Email 



I have served on the Council since April 1996. Married with two children. I enjoy sport,  freshwater and sea angling. I am Vice-Chairman of Potter Heigham Sea Angling Club and was Chairman of Martham Kings’ Arms Bowls Club, which I  have been a member of for over 35 years.

Adam Sayer 07920486037 Email 

I have lived in the village since 1969. All three of my children went through Martham schools, and I sat on the governors at the 1st school when they were each there. I have joined the council after finally deciding to try and help from a position of knowledge and influence – rather than moan from behind a keyboard!

Lee Pallett – 07798 724244 Email

Photo pending 

I have lived in Martham for 23 years. I have four children that have grown up in the village. My hobbies are motorbikes, DIY, and a bit of gardening. I joined the Parish Council to try and continue making Martham a great village to live in. 

Graham Bye – 01493 740132 Email

I have lived in the village since 1976. My interests include gardening and allotments. I enjoy walking my dog in the village and I joined the Parish Council in 2021 to work towards increasing the village community spirit. 

All councillors have to make a declaration of personal interests which can be found here.

Sharon Coates Email

I moved to Martham in 2013 after 30 years living in various parts of the Uk and abroad. I had links to Martham, as my Great Grandmother had lived here for several years. I have worked as a nurse, since moving to the county, and worked in GP practices in the area. I am now semi retired, although still working occasional bank shifts. Hobbies include sailing, walking and holidays  in our caravan. I have always volunteered for various projects, such as the community plan and on village litter collection days. I am currently working on the village defibrillator project, helping organising fund raising events over this year.