Electric Vehicle Charge Point at Martham Community Centre

Find the Martham Community Centre EV chargepoints:

Address: Playing Field Ln, Martham, Great Yarmouth NR29 4SN. Location links: ElectRoad App, Google Maps or What3words: ///structure.masking.packing.

Pricing: As at July 2024 charging costs 55p per kWh. 

Charger information: Our two ‘Type 2 Mennekes’ charge-points run at 22kW.

A two-car charge-point is now available at Martham Community Centre after we recently gained funding from Norfolk County Council (NCC). We will gain income from the point.

With petrol and diesel car sales due to stop in 2035 and more electric vehicles on our roads, charging points will become an important part of Norfolk’s transport network. NCC aims to install and try-out more points at village halls, social clubs or community centres with the agreement of parish councils or landowners. They arrange for site surveys, funding and installation of all apparatus. Their suppliers will advertise our charge-points, handle customer support and process payments. If this project is a success it could lead to more funding for charge points in the area.