The second part of Great Yamouth’s Core Strategy has been published and this includes many of the details concerning Martham. The relevant parts are reproduced here. As always this is an extract from a 350 page document which is available from the GYBC website which will provide more information.
The map of the village has been updated with extra possible sites being added, these were put forward by local landowners or developers.The map has been modified slightly to show the numbers more clearly. For a larger version of the map please click on it.
Also in the document is a table showing the assessment of each site and this is shown below. These sights are all labelled as being “not selected”.
The summing up of this is quoted below:
“The Core Strategy identifies the settlement of Martham as a ‘Primary Village’. The settlement has a good range of services and facilities located in the east and centre of the settlement. However, owing to the significant number of completions, planning permissions and an allowance for windfall across the Primary Villages (of which Martham has made the most significant contribution), there is little remaining housing need. The above sites have been assessed for potential development by judging the combination of advantages and disadvantages of the competing sites (including those from other Primary Villages) in the context of meeting the local housing need with the distribution of development as set out in the Core Strategy. Consequently, no allocations are sought for residential development in Martham.”