Policing Update:

Weekly crime summary 3 – 9 June 2015

Noise related Anti-Social Behaviour disputes

We always see an increase in calls as the weather warms up regarding noise related anti-social behaviour, often caused by the conflicting use of outdoor spaces and neighbour disputes as people enjoy the outdoors with BBQs and gatherings in the garden.

Speaking to neighbours before holding a party or BBQ to pre-warn them and give them a time you expect to finish can save a falling out later. Please remember people will have windows open due to the warm weather so any noise created can feel much worse for those trying to sleep.

If you are disturbed by your neighbours causing excessive noise the most appropriate authority to report this too is the Environmental Health Department on 01493 330 369, who are best suited to advise you on the issue.

For further safety and crime prevention advice for your neighbourhood please visit www.norfolk.police.uk

You can contact us on 101 or if you think a crime is actually in progress then please always dial 999.

Planning Applications:

Planning Applications received at the Parish Council Office:

06/15/0295/F – 57 Marlborough Green Crescent, Martham.
Proposed First Floor Extension at rear.

06/15/0283/A – 2 The Green, Martham.
2 The Green East of England Co-op
Remove existing signage and two new fascia signs and one wall mounted information panel.

These two applications will be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 17th June.

Policing report for the village:

And specifically crimes reported in Martham:

Arson Not Endangering Life
Between 28 May 2015 20:30 and 28 May 2015 20:45
A group of unknown youths set fire to rubbish bin located on skate park.

Burglary in a Building other than a Dwelling
Between 30 May 2015 08:00 and 31 May 2015 08:30
Unknown person smashed through the rear of wooden shed and stole power tools.

Other Criminal Damage To A Vehicle
Between 29 May 2015 17:00 and 01 Jun 2015 07:30
Four windows of digger smashed.

Policing Update:

The following is a local policing update for the Rural Flegg Villages neighbourhood

Weekly crime summary 27 May – 2 June 2015

Police in Norfolk and Suffolk set to get tougher on online fraudsters

Police in Norfolk and Suffolk are getting tougher on cyber criminals who use the internet to commit fraud and other crimes.

A new joint Norfolk and Suffolk Cyber Crime Unit was launched on Monday 1 June 2015. The unit is based in Halesworth and aims to combat the rising number of cyber and cyber enabled crime.

The unit will be responsible for investigating all offences where networked computers or technology have been used to commit crimes, from child pornography, human trafficking, drugs and contraband and the increasing problem of online fraud.

Nationally on-line fraud is on the increase. In 2014 there were 3,815 fraud and Cyber reports in Norfolk and 3,102 in Suffolk; however, it’s believed 80 per cent of all cyber-crimes and fraud is preventable.

Now, to coincide with the launch of the new Cyber-Crime Unit, Norfolk and Suffolk Police have released a series of short films to warn the public about the dangers of on-line fraud and how to prevent it.

The films ‪#‎TooGoodToBeTrue‬ show three scenarios involving investment fraud, lottery fraud and online shopping fraud with the underlying message that if an offer looks too good to be true, it probably is.

You can view the #TooGoodToBeTrue films onwww.norfolk.police.uk/toogoodtobetrue

To report on-line fraud or for more information contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.

For further safety and crime prevention advice for your neighbourhood please visit www.norfolk.police.uk

You can contact us on 101 or if you think a crime is actually in progress then please always dial 999.

Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel:

Have an opinion about the Playpark? Crime in Martham? Have something you would like to talk to the local PC or PCSO about – then come along to the meeting and get yourself heard.

Monday 8th – Norfolk Constabulary’s Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel at Martham Sports & Social Club at 7.00pm.

Planning Application:

Planning Application received at the Council Offices for comment:
06/15/0281/F – 9 Oak Tree Close, Martham.

Two storey side extension to form garage and additional bedroom (revised submission).

This will be discussed at the Parish Council meeting on the 17th June.