Specific local crimes:

Burglary in a Building other than a Dwelling
Between 17 Jul 2015 13:00 and 24 Jul 2015 10:00
Garden shed entered and fishing tackle stolen

Burglary in a Building other than a Dwelling with Intent
Between 27 Jul 2015 17:45 and 28 Jul 2015 08:45
Padlock removed. Panels to battery compartments on 3 x combine harvesters lifted – nothing stolen.

Theft In A Dwelling Other Than From Automatic Machine Or Meter
Between 12 Jul 2015 12:00 and 14 Jul 2015 12:00
Flat screen TV stolen from inside a resident’s bedroom

Weekly Police Report:

The following is a local policing update for the Rural Flegg Villages neighbourhood

Weekly crime summary 21st to 28th July 2015

Police are appealing for witnesses to an assault in Great Yarmouth.

The victim, a man in his 30’s, was in Sidney Close at around 7.10pm on Wednesday 15 July when he was approached by three males who asked him to open the door to a communal property. When the victim refused the men assaulted him causing minor injuries.

Anyone who may have witnessed the incident or anyone with information should contact PC Pete Harvey at Great Yarmouth Police Station on 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Thank you.

Planning Appeal – Hall Road

Planning – the following letter has been received from Great Yarmouth Borough Council with regard to the erection of nine single storey dwellings off Hall Road. An appeal has been made.


I am writing to let you know an appeal has been made to the Planning Inspectorate in respect of the above site. The appeal, which is against a refusal of planning permission by this Council, is to be decided on the basis of an exchange of written statements by the parties and a site visit by an Inspector.

Any comments already made following the original application for planning permission (unless they are expressly confidential) will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate and copied to the appellant, and will be taken into account by the Inspector decided the appeal.

If you wish to make a comment, or modify or withdraw your previous representation you can do so on the planning portal atwww.planningportal.gov.uk/pcs or by emailing teamp12@pins.gsi.gov.uk. If you do not have access to the internet you can sent three copies to Ann Edmonds, The Planning Inspectorate, 3/09 Eagle, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN before 24th August 2015 quoting the appeal reference number. Any representations submitted after the deadline will not usually be considered and will be returned. The Planning Inspectorate does not acknowledge representations. Please note that any representations you submit to the Planning Inspectorate will be copied to the appellant and this local Planning Authority and will be considered by the Inspector when determining the appeal.

The appeal documents are available for inspection at the Town Hall, Hall Plain, Great Yarmouth, between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

You can get a copy of the Planning Inspectorate’s Booklet ‘A Guide to taking part in Planning Appeals’ free of charge fromwww.planningportal.gov.uk/pcs or from this authority.

When made, the decision will be published on the planning portal.

Great Yarmouth Borough Council.

Weekly Crime Summary:

The following is a local policing update for the Rural Flegg Villages neighbourhood

Weekly crime summary 15 – 21 July 2015

A five armed friend is returning to Great Yarmouth and Gorleston beaches lending an extra hand to families to help keep their children safe.

Sandi the Starfish was launched last summer – with a seafront flag for families to use as a meeting point if they are separated, special Sandi the Starfish wristbands with space to write a parent’s mobile number and local shops displaying Sandi’s logo so that children know where’s safe to go if they are lost in the town.

Sergeant Dan Smith explained that losing a child even momentarily can be a terrifying experience for the whole family.

“We see lots of families who come to Great Yarmouth and Gorleston to enjoy the beaches during Easter and summer holidays, and occasionally a child can wander off or become disorientated as they are playing. Although the vast majority of missing children are found very quickly it is still a terrifying experience for all the family.”

“The idea of having a flag with a recognisable character as a meeting point for families if one of them gets lost came from PCSO Sandi Greenacre, who was a member of the Hunstanton team before she sadly died in 2013. Sandi saw how distressing losing a child can be – both for the parents and the child. She was keen to develop ways to help families reunite and advice for parents on what to do if they lose their little one.”

“We decided that this would be a great way for her legacy to live on and that’s how Sandi the Starfish was born.” Sergeant Smith added.

Sandi the Starfish wristbands will be available from Great Yarmouth and Gorleston Police Beach Patrol Huts, Great Yarmouth Tourist Information Centre, Great Yarmouth and Gorleston Police Stations, PCSO’s and Police Officers.

Helpful tips for families planning a trip to the beach include:

Designate a meeting spot and make sure the whole family know to go there to wait if you are separated.

A Sandi the Starfish flag is located on the sea front and is designed to be seen by children from a distance. Show your child the picture of Sandi so they know what to look for.

Tell your child that if they get separated from you, they should go to the flag where they can wait for you or to find a trusted stranger, ideally someone in uniform, and tell them they are lost.

Use a Sandi the Starfish wristband and write your phone number on the inside of the wristband so you can be contacted if your child is found. Alternatively write your mobile phone number on a sticker or piece of paper to keep with them.

· Keep an up-to-date photo of them on your phone to show to officers so they know who they are looking for. Ideally take on a phone or a digital camera when you arrive at the beach to show exactly what they are wearing.

It’s vital to remember what they are wearing! Bright, eye catching clothing is ideal.

For further safety and crime prevention advice for your neighbourhood please visit www.norfolk.police.uk

You can contact us on 101 or if you think a crime is actually in progress then please always dial 999.

Planning Decision:

Planning Decision taken by Great Yarmouth Borough Council;

06/15/0315/F – 5 Hyrn Close – Single and two storey rear extensions. GRANTED.

And specifically in Martham:


Other Criminal Damage To A Building Other Than A Dwelling
Between 04 Jul 2015 00:01 and 04 Jul 2015 22:55
Toilet and a mirror smashed in public toilets in park.