Specific Local Crimes:

specific crimes:

Burglary Dwelling
Between 01 Jun 2015 00:01 and 14 Jul 2015 23:59
An item of jewellery has gone missing from a pot in the victim’s bedroom.

Other Criminal Damage To A Vehicle
Between 15 Aug 2015 23:00 and 16 Aug 2015 08:00
Vehicle scratched on the front nearside door whilst parked on farm track next to farm house. Child’s paddling pool in garden of farm house also damage with two slashes found in side wall.

Theft From A Motor Vehicle
Between 13 Aug 2015 12:30 and 13 Aug 2015 12:35
Victim has had two I-phones stolen from inside the cab of his van whilst working nearby

Weekly Police Report

Weekly crime summary 11 – 18 August 2015

Great Yarmouth Police have been successful in using new powers to tackle Anti-Social Behaviour in the town. We have recently applied to Court and obtained two new Criminal Behaviour Orders for persistent offenders who were creating alcohol based anti-social behaviour.

Both offenders have caused issues within the town after consuming alcohol in the street and abusing residents and visitors. The orders now mean they can’t possess open containers of alcohol, consume alcohol in the street or cause harassment, alarm or distress to other members of the public and if they do they can be arrested there and then.

By using these powers we can tackle persistent offenders and restrict behaviour which impacts on all of us. If you witness anti-social behaviour, especially drink related, please report it using the 101 telephone number or in an emergency call 999.

For further safety and crime prevention advice for your neighbourhood please visit www.norfolk.police.uk

You can contact us on 101 or if you think a crime is actually in progress then please always dial 999.

Planning Application:

Planning Application received today at the Council offices;

06/15/0464/D – Holly Close – Proposed development of three single storey dwellings with garages.

The plans area available at the parish office for viewing.

Planning Decision:

Planning Decision received today:

06/15/0352/A – 88 Repps Road – Removal of existing signage and replacement with new, Co-op.

Granted. Illumination during shop hours only.

Specific crimes in our area:

Specific crimes in our area:

Burglary in a Building other than a Dwelling
Between 17 Jul 2015 13:00 and 24 Jul 2015 10:00
During the period stated person/s unknown have entered the victim’s garden shed and stolen a quantity of fishing tackle

Burglary in a Building other than a Dwelling with Intent
Between 27 Jul 2015 17:45 and 28 Jul 2015 08:45
Entry gained to outbuilding, but nothing stolen.

Other Criminal Damage
Between 02 Aug 2015 23:30 and 02 Aug 2015 23:50
Between the stated times suspect has caused criminal damage at address.

Theft From A Motor Vehicle
Between 31 Jul 2015 22:00 and 01 Aug 2015 06:00
Theft of 250 litres of Diesel Fuel from Volvo FH12. An unsuccessful attempt was made to take fuel from the second vehicle a Renault Premium. Filler caps on both vehicles were unlocked. No damage was caused.

Theft In A Dwelling Other Than From Automatic Machine Or Meter
Between 12 Jul 2015 12:00 and 14 Jul 2015 12:00
Flat screen TV stolen from inside a property.

Weekly Police Report:

The following is a local policing update for the Rural Flegg Villages neighbourhood.

Weekly crime summary 24th July to 4th August 2015

This week we have seen a number of mopeds being stolen by opportunist thieves. Some of these have been bikes with very little security measures protecting them.

Crime prevention advice includes:

  • Never leave your keys within the motorbike or scooter
  • When not using the vehicle lock it within a garage or keep it out of site.
  • Cover your machine if possible
  • Always put the steering lock on
  • If you have a security device, use it
  • Fit an industry approved electronic immobiliser
  • Where possible secure the bike out of view

If you have any information about moped and scooter thefts in your community, please call Norfolk Police on 101, or if you witness a crime in progress, please call 999.

Thank you.

Message from Superintendent Roger Wiltshire.