Local policing update:

Weekly crime summary 30 September – 6 October 2015
Robbery appeal

Detectives from Great Yarmouth CID are appealing for witnesses to a robbery which took place over the weekend in Great Yarmouth.

At approximately 3:15pm on Saturday 3 October 2015, a boy in his mid teens was walking along St Peter’s Plain, near Ravelin House, when he was approached and asked for a cigarette. When he didn’t supply one, the offender then threatened him with a knife and demanded money. A small amount of cash was given to the suspect before he ran off.

The offender is described as a white man, aged approximately 30 years old and of spotty complexion. He was of skinny build, 6ft 4ins tall and at the time of the incident was wearing a black baseball cap, black hooded zip up top, light blue jeans and black and white trainers.

T/DC Zoe Catton, Great Yarmouth CID, would like to hear from anyone who witnessed the incident or has information concerning it. DC Catton can be contacted on 101 or alternatively you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

For further safety and crime prevention advice for your neighbourhood please visit www.norfolk.police.uk

You can contact us on 101 or if you think a crime is actually in progress then please always dial 999.

Local Policing Update:

The following is a local policing update for the Rural Flegg Villages neighbourhood

Weekly crime summary 23 – 29 September 2015

Bike thefts appeal

Police in Great Yarmouth are reminding cyclists to keep their bikes secure following a spate of bike thefts in the town.

The first incident took place at around 5pm on Saturday 19 September in the Regent Road area when a dark blue adult Carrera bike with orange stripes and a ladies burgundy and cream bike were stolen.

Later the same day at around 7.30pm a men’s silver Carrera Crossfire mountain bike was stolen from the Market Gates area.

And on Tuesday 22 September a black and white Apollo mountain bike and a silver Halfords X-Rated mountain bike were taken overnight from a property in Cobbs Place.

Cyclists are encouraged to get their bike security marked by their local Safer Neighbourhood Team or crime prevention officer, making the bikes less attractive to thieves and increasing the chance of it being identified by police if it is recovered.

Anyone with information is asked to contact PC Gary Gibbs at Norfolk Constabulary on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

For further safety and crime prevention advice for your neighbourhood please visit www.norfolk.police.uk

You can contact us on 101 or if you think a crime is actually in progress then please always dial 999.

Planning Application:

Planning application received at the Parish Office and available to view:

06/15/0489/F – 66a Damgate Lane, Applebarn Cottage, Martham.

Change of use of strip of land adjacent 66a Damgate Lane to garden. Planting of orchard and fencing the area with close board fencing and posts.

Planning Consultation Event:

Public Consultation event – 30th September 3pm – 8pm at the Community Centre, Playingfield Lane.

This is for the Martham East Broiler Farm site.  The proposal is for 55 properties.

All welcome.

Business Forum;

The business forum meets again tomorrow (Wednesday) evening at 5.15pm at the Community Centre – and needs more businesses to get involved.

If you own, manage, or run a business in Martham please come along to an informal gathering to decide what action can be taken to promote businesses in the village, and how to take the group forwards.

Specific Crimes in our Area;

Other Criminal Damage To A Vehicle

Between 12 Sep 2015 01:30 and 12 Sep 2015 09:15

Victim reports that she heard noises outside her house, and saw four unknown people outside. She then found that five wheelie bins have been tipped out and the casing of the wing mirror on her car has been damaged.