Police Update;

Weekly crime summary 26 April 2016

Personal safety reminder

There have been several street robberies, particularly at ATM’s, reported in Great Yarmouth over the last few weeks. Although the chances of you becoming a victim of this type of crime are low a few simple precautions when out and about can help to ensure your personal safety:

· When at the cash point stand close to the machine, shield your PIN and do not allow yourself to be distracted. Take the money immediately and secure it in a safe place. Do not count it in public view!

· When possible wear handbags across your body as this makes it harder to snatch and always keep it securely zipped up.

· Avoid carrying your wallet in your back pocket where it can easily be spotted by would be thieves.

· Try not to be conspicuous about the valuables you are carrying and spread them around your body if possible.

· Be aware if using an expensive mobile phone as these are attractive goods to be stolen.
If you see anyone acting suspiciously please call 101 or 999 if a crime is actually in progress.

Witnesses sought after opportunist thief targets an injured elderly lady in Great Yarmouth

Officers are looking for witnesses after an elderly lady has had her handbag stolen following a fall in the Great Yarmouth Market Place.

The incident happened at approximately 3.30pm on Saturday 16 April 2016. The elderly victim was walking near to Poundland, opposite McDonalds, when her legs gave way and she fell to the floor. Whilst on the floor, a woman has taken this opportunity to take the victims handbag which contained an undisclosed amount of money, some medication and various cards.

Anyone who may have seen any suspicious behaviour in the area between the times stated or anyone with information should contact PC Gary Brown at Great Yarmouth Police Station on 101.

Alternatively, you can call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Gorleston assault appeal

Detectives are appealing for information after a teenager was assaulted in Gorleston.

The incident took place in Church Road in the town at around 9.50pm on Wednesday 20 April 2016.

The victim, aged in her late teens, was returning home when she was approached from behind by an unknown male who put his hands over her mouth, grabbed her and indecently assaulted her.

The man is believed to have fled in the direction of Garnham Road. He was described as white, 5ft 6in tall and as wearing a dark top with his hood up and dark bottoms with a white stripe down the side.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Det Sgt Graeme Talbot at Norfolk Constabulary on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

Next of kin appeal – Peter Greenhill

Police are appealing for help to trace the family of a man who died recently.

66-year-old Peter Greenhill sadly died at his home address in Hawkins Close, Great Yarmouth, on Thursday 14 April 2016. There were no suspicious circumstances.

Anyone with information relating to Peter should contact the Coroner’s office in Norwich on 01603 276496.

Planning Decision;

Willowcroft, Cess Lane, Martham – Erection of garage, car port, store, boundary fence and wall.

The Election:


The Parish Council will go to election on the 5th May 2016, along with the Police and Crime Commissioner Elections and the Borough Council Elections.

Fifteen Parishioners have put themselves forward as Councillors for the eleven places on the Council.

Your nominees are:

Ian Laurence Bradford
Tony Gates
Paul Philip Hooper
Michael John Huke
Paul Henry Hurkett
Bob Huxtable
Mark David Johnson
Janet Kenealy
Wendy Llewellyn
Patrick Joseph Manifold
Vicky Smith
Colin Michael Starkings
Lee Paul Sutton
Terry Watson
Brian William Wright

The Polling Station will be the Village Hall, and you can vote for up to eleven of the above.

The current Council will be standing down on the 9th May and those elected will form a new Council.


Public Transport Forum – An opportunity to have your say;

A public transport forum will be held at Caister Community Centre on Tuesday April 26th.

The forum is being organised by the East Norfolk Transport Users Association which is encouraging people to go along and put over any points, ideas, complaints or suggestions for local bus and rail services.

The association – which has close links and meets regularly with local transport providers and operators, will pass on what it hears at the forum.

it starts at 2pm at the Community Centre in Beach Road and everyone from the borough is welcome to go along.

For further information visit www.entua.org.uk

Police Update:

Weekly crime summary 6 April 2016

There have been four incidents of purse and handbag thefts from female victims in both Great Yarmouth and Gorleston in recent weeks. In one incident a shopper had her bag and purse stolen from a shopping trolley. On another occasion a female put her handbag in the passenger foot well of her car as she got in the driver’s side. A male suspect opened the passenger side door and attempted to remove the bag.

Please ensure that you are always aware of where your purses and handbags containing valuables are and make every effort to keep them safe. Please don’t leave them unattended at any time – even for a short period, for example, leaving purses on shopping trolleys whilst shopping. Small bells can be purchased and attached to bags or purses so owners can be alerted if they are moved.

Please be aware of suspicious people hovering near you. If you notice someone acting suspiciously, move away from them, preferably to a busy area, and alert staff if you are in a shop.

Norfolk Home Watch Association meeting

Please be advised that there will be an EGM on the 21 April 2016 to discuss the name change for Norfolk Home Watch Association to Norfolk Neighbourhood Watch Association, a discussion of the new constitution for the association and for the constitution to be agreed. If all coordinators could attend it would greatly assist them and the association.

The meeting will be held at Town Green Centre, Wymondham NR18 0PW.

The entrance for the venue is up the left hand side of the Methodist Church on Town Green and the timing for the meeting is 19:00 for a prompt 19:30 start.

Church targeted by would-be thieves, Burgh Castle

Police are investigating after suspect(s) targeted a church at the weekend in Burgh Castle, near Great Yarmouth.

The incident happened at the St Peter and St Pauls Church, in Church Loke, on Saturday 2 April between 10am and 1.40pm when offender(s) entered the main building before forcing their way into the rector’s office.

Damage was caused to the door and items were moved around inside but nothing was stolen.

Officers are keen to hear from witnesses or anyone who may have seen anything out of character in the area during the day.

Witnesses should contact AJ Hovells at Gorleston Police Station on 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.