Planning Decision;

BA/2016/0164/HOUSEH.  Permission for retention of chimney flue on exterior of property.  Idle House, 50 Riverside, Martham.


Policing Update:

The following is a local policing update for the Rural Flegg Villages neighbourhood

Weekly crime summary 28 June 2016

Please don’t forget the importance of good home security. Always Close it, Lock it and Check it and make sure you aren’t offering an open invitation for opportunistic burglars to visit your property.

BroadsBeat officers issue warning after spate of thefts

Officers from Norfolk Police’s Broads Beat team are issuing a warning to boat owners after a spate of thefts across the county.

The warning comes after five crimes have been recorded in the last two weeks where small outboards of differing makes have been stolen.

Most recently, a theft of an outboard motor which happened overnight on Thursday 2 June 2016 in Martham near to Great Yarmouth.

PC Paul Bassham, Beat Manager, Said: “There are many marine crime prevention initiatives in place to help prevent you becoming a victim. These include Boatshield, Selecta DNA and Data Tag.

“Remember, stay vigilant and take the necessary steps to protect your property. The BroadsBeat team are always happy to give advice and guidance should you need it.”

Anyone with information about marine crime should contact PC Paul Bassham from Hoveton Police Station on 101.

Alternatively if you do have information but want to remain anonymous contact the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

Norfolk Safer Community Awards 2016

Has your local police officer, member of police staff or community volunteer gone that extra mile for you? Is there something they do for your community that you would like to acknowledge?

Norfolk Constabulary is asking you to show your appreciation by voting for them in our annual Norfolk Safer Community Awards (NOSCAs).

Now entering its ninth year, the NOSCAs offer people the opportunity to support the continued efforts of their local community and Norfolk Constabulary in keeping the county a safe place to live, work and visit.

Chief Constable Simon Bailey said he believed the NOSCAs helped to highlight excellence from police officers, staff and members of the community.

He said: “I am always delighted to recognise people who go that extra mile. I would urge you all to nominate and vote for those people from your local community who you believe through their actions and words have made a difference to the area in which we all live and work.”

Three new categories have been added this year including; the Police Cadet of the Year Award, the Outstanding Leadership Award and the Hannah Witheridge Special Recognition Award.

Chief Constable Bailey said: “It is very pleasing that we have introduced three new categories this year, particularly the Hannah Witheridge Special Recognition Award. This award recognises the compassion, time and commitment shown by dedicated Family Liaison Officers who assist families through traumatic times.”

Local communities will also get the opportunity to vote to award individuals who make an exceptional contribution to their neighbourhood, while the Chief Constable will be choosing recipients for the Special Recognition Award and acknowledging officers and staff with Bravery Awards, which recognise outstanding courage in the line of duty.

Followers of Norfolk Constabulary’s Facebook page will once again be asked to vote for the Police Dog of the Year –

As before, readers of the Eastern Daily Press will be invited to highlight exceptional service by choosing the Community Police Officers of the Year from a selection of officers nominated by district commanders. Voting forms will be available in the paper and online shortly.

The three other categories members of the public can nominate someone for are; the John (Cecil) Mason Volunteer of the Year, Young Citizen(s) of the Year and Community Citizen(s) of the Year.

Norfolk Safer Community Awards are funded by sponsorship from commercial and community partners.

Our 2016 sponsors are:


  • Eastern Daily Press
  • Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner for Norfolk
  • Reed Global
  • Shell UK Exploration and Production
  • City College Norwich
  • Dardan Security
  • Capita
  • East of England Co-operative
  • Norfolk Chamber of Commerce
  • Royal Canin
  • Holiday Inn
  • KPM

Voting closes on the 29 July 2016. The winners and runners-up will be invited to a special awards evening taking place at Holiday Inn, Cromer Road, Norwich on Thursday 6 October 2016.

Full information about the awards and entry criteria is available on the NOSCAs website along with online nomination forms for all categories

2016 Categories are:

1 Student Officer of the Year

2 The John (Cecil) Mason Volunteer of the Year

3 Special Constabulary Officer of the Year

4 Police Cadet of the Year

5 Police Staff Member of the Year

6 Young Citizen(s) of the Year

7 Investigator of the Year

8 Problem Solver of the Year

9 Outstanding Leadership Award

10 Community Citizen(s) of the Year

11 *The Chief Constable’s Special Recognition Award

12 *The Hannah Witheridge Special Recognition Award

13 *The Bravery Award

14a**Community Officer of the Year – Police Officer

14b**Community Officer of the Year – Police Community Support Officer (PCSO)

16 ***Police Dog of the Year

17 Outstanding Team of the Year

18 Safer Neighbourhood Team of the Year

*Chosen by the Chief Constable

**Chosen by EDP readers only

***Chosen by Norfolk Constabulary Facebook users

Policing update;

The following is a local policing update for the Rural Flegg Villages neighbourhood

Weekly crime summary 21 June 2016

Home security advice

Great Yarmouth police are issuing another reminder about the importance of good home security.

In some areas of the district up to 60% of burglaries are committed by gaining access through insecure windows or doors. By taking a few simple measures you can reduce the risk of becoming a victim of this type of crime:

Close it – Ensure doors and windows are closed when you leave your property, including when you are out in the garden.

Lock it – Ensure doors and windows are locked, even if you are just popping out for a few minutes and remove keys from locks.

Check it – Check that all external doors are locked, including doors to garages and outbuildings.

Make sure you aren’t offering an open invitation to your home and always secure your property.

Please report any suspicious behaviour by calling police on 101. If you believe a crime is actually in progress please always dial 999.

Have your say – PCC wants your views on keeping Norfolk safe

Norfolk’s police and crime commissioner is launching a two-month public consultation asking people to help set policing priorities in the county for the next four years.

Lorne Green is asking Norfolk people to share their views and to help shape and develop his Police and Crime Plan for 2016-2020.

The consultation, which starts today, will run for eight weeks and close on Friday August 12. As well as running an online survey, the PCC will be meeting with people, groups and organisations across the county to help him draft his plan.

That plan, to be published in the Autumn, will outline what the PCC will work to achieve over his four-year term, as well as setting out the objectives for policing, the resources that will be made available to the Chief Constable and how performance will be measured.

Launching the consultation, Lorne said: “My police and crime plan will set out how we, as a county, tackle crime and disorder between now and 2020.

“In setting that plan, I must meet requirements set by the Home Secretary, such as ensuring our police have the capacity and capability to respond to threats like cybercrime, terrorism and child sexual abuse.

“I must also take into account what victims of crime, our police, partners and other agencies identify as the key issues affecting Norfolk.

“The final piece of the jigsaw, and the part that will enable me to ensure the needs of Norfolk people are considered, is the community perspective on crime and policing.

“During my campaign to become your PCC, I spoke with many people living and working in different parts of our county, and began the process of finding out about the issues of most concern to them.

“To build on what I heard, and get a fuller picture of what matters to our communities, I am asking people to share with me their views on crime and policing. Your views are crucial to ensuring the approach we take over the next four years is the right one for our county.”

From speaking to people in market squares and supermarkets, to attending community meetings and events, Lorne will be gathering public views across Norfolk over the next eight weeks.

A short survey has also been set up at which will run until the end of the consultation period. People are also invited to email, telephone and write to the PCC to give their views.

Dedicated email address:

Web survey:

Twitter: ‪#‎TellLorne‬

Phone: 01953 424455

Postal address:
Building 8,
Falconers Chase,
NR18 0WW

TV stolen during Yarmouth burglary

Detectives are appealing for witnesses following a burglary in Great Yarmouth on Saturday 18 June.

It happened in Queens Court, off Queens Road, between 9am and 4.30pm when suspect(s) forced the front door of a flat before stealing a Blaupunkt LCD TV from the lounge. Nothing else was stolen.

Officers are urging residents to be vigilant and are keen to hear from anyone who may have seen or heard anything out of the ordinary.

Anyone with information should contact Det Con Gary Brown at Great Yarmouth CID on 101 or contact independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.
Witness appeal following burglary in Gorleston

Police are appealing for information following a burglary in Gorleston over the weekend.

At some point between Saturday 18 June and Sunday 19 June 2016 a property on Nile Road was entered and intruders have stolen a handbag and an iPad Air.

Anyone who may have seen or heard anything suspicious in the area between the times stated or anyone with information should contact DC Gary Brown from Great Yarmouth CID on 101.

Alternatively contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

Planning Application:

Planning Application received at the Parish Office today for comments:

06/16/0640/CC – 66 Black Street, Martham. Demolish existing house and associated outbuildings.

Allotments available:

Have you ever had ambitions to grow your own? The Parish Council has an allotment site off Cess Road with vacant allotments.

Please contact the Parish Clerk on 01493 749938 or at

Half and full plots are available at £15 and £30 respectively.