Norfolk Police Budget Consultation;

Norfolk Police and Crime Commissioner has launched his budget consultation

Norfolk PCC, Lorne Green has launched his 4 week budget consultation. The precept consultation includes Council Tax contributions and the PCC would like to hear your views.

Below is a link to the PCC website where more information can be found, along with a link to the online survey.

Please spare a few minutes to complete the online survey.

Planning Application received:

Planning Application received from Great Yarmouth Borough Council and available to view at the Parish Office:

06/16/0635/F – Martham Primary and Nursery School – Installation of a Coniston wall mounted canopy system.

Public Police Meeting:

Public Meeting – 10th November 2016

Norfolk PCC and Norfolk Police Chief Constable will be holding a public meeting at Great Yarmouth Town Hall on Thursday 10th November 2016, starting at 5.30pm.

The meeting will commence with a Public Q&A session followed by a Police Accountability Forum.

This event is open to all and we hope to see you there.

Police Request:

The following is a Police Connect message.


Attempted robbery in Great Yarmouth


Officers are appealing for witnesses to come forward following an attempted robbery which happened in Sainsbury’s car park in Great Yarmouth at the weekend.

The incident happened at just after midday on Saturday 5 November 2015 as the victim was getting into her car, a silver Honda Accord. The victim had placed her handbag on the passenger seat and was preparing to leave when an unknown woman opened the door and tried to steal the handbag.

A short tussle occurred before the suspect made off in the direction of St Nicholas Road and onto Silkmill Road.

The suspect is described as being a white woman aged in her 20s and approximately 5ft 4in in height. She had dark blonde hair which was short in length at the front. The thinly built woman was wearing a black coat with a large fur rimmed hood, black leggings and knee high boots.

Officers would like to speak to anyone who may have witnessed any suspicious behaviour in the area or has information relating to the incident.

Witnesses are asked to contact PC Pete Hudson at Norfolk Constabulary on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or through their Anonymous Online Form at


Police update

The following is a local policing update for the Rural Flegg Villages neighbourhood

Weekly crime summary 8 November 2016 

Great Yarmouth police cadets offer safety advice

We are pleased that the Halloween and Bonfire Night celebrations have passed without causing too much disruption in the district.

Great Yarmouth police cadets have worked in partnership with Age Concern and have been out distributing leaflets and offering advice to elderly and vulnerable residents during a period that can be a peak time for anti-social behaviour.

The cadets have given advice on personal alarms, crime prevention and rogue traders as well as handing out the leaflet of useful contact information.

Police Accountability Forum

The next Norfolk Police and Crime Commissioner’s Police Accountability Forum is taking place on Thursday 10 November from 5.30pm at Great Yarmouth Town Hall.

The meeting is attended by Norfolk Police and Crime Commissioner Lorne Green and Chief Constable Simon Bailey.  It provides an opportunity for the public to hold the Chief Constable to account for the policing service delivered in the county.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting, which starts with a public question and answer session followed by the Police Accountability Forum at 6.30pm.

Further details regarding the meeting and a copy of the meeting agenda are available from .

Attempted robbery in Great Yarmouth


Officers are appealing for witnesses to come forward following an attempted robbery which happened in Sainsbury’s car park in Great Yarmouth at the weekend.

The incident happened at just after midday on Saturday 5 November 2016 as the victim was getting into her car, a silver Honda Accord. The victim had placed her handbag on the passenger seat and was preparing to leave when an unknown woman opened the door and tried to steal the handbag.

A short tussle occurred before the suspect made off in the direction of St Nicholas Road and onto Silkmill Road.

The suspect is described as being a white woman aged in her 20s and approximately 5ft 4in in height. She had dark blonde hair which was short in length at the front. The thinly built woman was wearing a black coat with a large fur rimmed hood, black leggings and knee high boots.

Officers would like to speak to anyone who may have witnessed any suspicious behaviour in the area or has information relating to the incident.

Witnesses are asked to contact PC Pete Hudson at Norfolk Constabulary on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Man robbed of phone and cash in Great Yarmouth

Detectives are appealing for witnesses following a robbery in Great Yarmouth.

The incident happened between 6.30pm and 7.30pm on Friday 5 November in Sackville Close when the victim, a man in his 50s, was walking in an alleyway when another man approached him and asked if he was OK.

The victim replied ‘yes’ before being punched in the face, which knocked him to the floor where the suspect then rifled through his pockets stealing his phone and cash.

The suspect is described as white, with blond hair and had a white push bike with him.

Officers are keen to hear from anyone who may have witnessed the incident or noticed anything suspicious in the area between the times stated.

Witnesses should contact T/Det Con Gary Brown at Great Yarmouth CID on 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Further news, appeals and information can also be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at