Great Yarmouth Borough Council Consultation on Draft Local Plan Part 2

(Development Management Policies, Site Allocations, and Revised Housing Target)

The consultation on Draft Local Plan Part 2 will take place over a six week period from 20th August to 30th September 2018 (inclusive).

The Draft Local Plan Part 2 document shows what the GYBC is thinking about having in terms of:

  • detailed policies for planning applications;
  • allocations of sites for development;
  • a reduction in the overall housing target for the Borough, and a few minor updates to other Core Strategy policies;
  • the replacement of the remaining old ‘saved’ policies (from the former Borough-wide Local Plan of 2001); and
  • changes to the Local Plan Policies Map, to give effect to the above.

The Great Yarmouth Borough Council wants to know what people think of these provisional proposals, and whether there are any better options, before it makes up its mind on what policies and allocations it formally proposes to adopt.

Once it is completed and adopted, the Local Plan Part 2 will provide the detailed policies to help achieve the general type and distribution of development for the plan period up to 2030 already decided by the Core Strategy (Local Plan Part 1), which the Council adopted in 2015.

The consultation documents comprise:

  • Main Documents
    1. Draft Local Plan Part 2
    2. Draft Policies Map (formerly known as a proposals map).  This is in two sheets, one for the whole plan area, and an inset showing the Great Yarmouth town/ Gorleston area in greater detail.  Extracts from the Policies Map for each settlement, at a larger scale, are also included in the relevant chapters of the Draft Local Plan Part 2 document itself.
  • Supporting documents:
    1. Draft Sustainability Appraisal Report, showing how the different potential options were evaluated.
    2. Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment Report, showing how the Draft Plan’s potential impacts on internationally protected habitats and species was evaluated and is addressed.
    3. Draft ‘Constraints and Opportunities Map’ (showing areas and locations which are not defined by the Local Plan but which may be subject to particular policies – e.g. Conservation Areas and Agricultural Land Grading).

The documents are all available on the Council’s website via the following link: where they would encourage you to comment online.

Please be aware that any comments you may submit cannot be treated in confidence as it they form part of the ‘Public Task’ of planning for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 and Data Protection Act 2018. The Council will publish names and representations on its website, but will not publish personal information such as telephone numbers, emails or private addresses. By submitting a representation, you are accordingly confirming that you agree to this and accept responsibility for your comments.

Documents are also available for inspection at the following locations during the course of the consultation:

  • at Great Yarmouth Town Hall, Hall Plain, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2QF (during office hours);
  • at libraries at:
    • Great Yarmouth Library between 9am – 5pm (Mon, Tue, Thur & Fri); 9am – 7:30pm (Wed) or 9am – 4:30pm (Sat)
    • Gorleston Library between 9:30am – 5pm (Mon, Wed & Fri); 9:30am – 8pm (Tue & Thu) or 9:30am – 4pm (Sat)
    • Bradwell Library between 10am – 12:30pm (Mon & Sat) or 2pm – 5pm (Thu)
    • Caister Library between 8am – 7pm (Mon – Fri); 8am – 4pm (Sat) or 10am – 4pm (Sun)
    • Martham Library between 8am – 7pm (Mon – Fri); 8am – 4pm (Sat) or 10am – 4pm (Sun)

They will also be holding a number of public exhibitions with officers available to speak to throughout the consultation at the following locations and dates:

    • Great Yarmouth Town Hall, Hall Plain, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2QF (Thursday 30th August between 1pm & 7pm)
    • Ormesby St Margaret Village Hall, Station Road, Ormesby St Margaret, NR29 3PU (Monday 3rd September between 1pm & 7pm)
    • New Road Sports & Village Centre, New Road, Belton, NR31 9JW (Friday 7th September between 1pm & 7pm)
    • Gorleston Library, Lowestoft Road, Gorleston, NR31 6SG (Wednesday 19th September between 11am & 5pm)

Paper copies of the Draft Local Plan Part 2 may be purchased at a cost of £35 (incl. postage) by contacting the GYBC.

All comments (sent by whatever means) must be received before midnight on Sunday 30th September 2018.



Great Yarmouth Borough Council are the Local Planning Authority and make all decisions in relation to application submitted for the village of Martham. For further information please click here

To search for planning applications and decision please click here

Great Yarmouth Borough Council Tips for using the online search


  • To view current applications use the ‘Click here to view, comment on or appeal a planning application’ link above
  • Entries can be typed in either lower case or upper case
  • To display the entire list of applications, leave all fields empty and just click on the search button
  • Remember the system will take a little while to return all of the results
  • If you know the reference number of the application it is recommended you fill in the reference number field only, as completing a number of different fields can cause the search to fail
  • Once you have found the application click on the green reference number to view it


  • You can still comment after the 21 day consultation period by contacting us using the details on this page; however there is no guarantee this will be taken into account
  • Always quote the application number in any correspondence
  • Please be advised that any details submitted as a response to an application may be displayed on our website 
  • To find out how to speak at the Development Control Committee, please read our pdf icon Public Consultation Procedure [18kb]


Emergency Road Closure on Collis Lane in the Parish of Somerton

Norfolk County Council HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that owing to a burst water main the use by vehicles of the C455 Collis Lane from a distance 250 metres north of its junction with C454 Martham Road for a distance of 50 metres northwards in the PARISH OF SOMERTON will be temporarily prohibited from 3rd August 2018 to 7th August 2018 for the duration of the works, expected to be about 5 days within the period. If necessary the restriction could run for a maximum period of 21 days.

Alternative route is via: Collis Lane, Martham Road, North Road, The Street, Winterton Road, Hemsby Road, Bulmer Lane, Somerton Road, Wonterton Road, Collis Lane (Winterton-on-Sea, Hemsby, Somerton, Martham).

Parish Council Vacancy

The Parish Council has a vacancy for a Councillor.  Great Yarmouth Borough Council issued a notice giving members of the electorate the opportunity to request a Poll in order to fill the vacancy however this was not requested so Council will now be tasked with Co-opting someone to join the Parish Council.

If you have ever considered getting involved as a Councillor then please do have a discussion with the Clerk on 01493 749938 or or any current Councillor.

It is a very good way to be involved in your village and you really can make a difference.

Temporary Traffic Restriction Order 2018 – Norfolk County Council


Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984 Section 14(1)

 ORDER prohibiting the use by vehicles of the C640 White Street from its junction with U62518 Bradfield Drive for a distance of 30 metres south eastwards in the PARISH OF MARTHAM

  1. Save as provided in Article 2 of this Order and whereas the Norfolk County Council as Traffic Authority for the Administrative County of Norfolk is satisfied that:- water connection works are required at the C640 White Street from its junction with U62518 Bradfield Drive for a distance of 30 metres south eastwards in the PARISH OF MARTHAM (hereinafter referred to as the said road) and:

(ii)        that in consequence traffic over the said road should be prohibited with effect from 25th July 2018 to 27th July 2018 for the duration of the works expected to be about 3 days within the period.

  1. Nothing in Article 1 of this Order shall make it unlawful for a vehicle which requires access, to proceed to a final destination situated within the length of road specified in Article 1 of this Order.
  2. This Order has a maximum duration of 18 months and will be revoked upon completion of the works. Where exceptional circumstances are encountered during the performance of the works specified in this Order the operational period of this Order may become extended to allow completion of the works after obtaining consent of the Secretary of State.

NOW THEREFORE the Norfolk County Council DO HEREBY ORDER, that with effect from 25th July 2018 to 27th July 2018 for the duration of the works the said road SHALL NOT BE USED by any class of vehicle.

Dated this 19th day of July 2018 County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 DH