Police Newsletter – Rural Flegg Villages

Rural Flegg Villages Priorities – Speeding Winterton Bulmer Lane

Message from PC 1550 MAY: “Crime remains low on our area. My thoughts go out to the residents in Hemsby This last month we have seen a small increase in crime where businesses have been targeted in Caister. It is a timely reminder to en-sure all properties are securely locked. I would like to thank all of you out there who have helped us over the past month with reporting suspicious behaviour. As I have said in the past, it is the communities that make a difference and working together we can keep the area a pleasant place to live, work and visit”.

Please continue to report matters on 101 or anonymously at Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Offence Numbers
Arson 0
Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) 0
Burglary—business & community 0
Burglary—residential 2
Criminal Damage 6
Domestic 2
Hate Incident 0
Race or Religious aggravated public fear 0
Possession of controlled substance 0
Possession of weapons 0
Public fear, alarm or distress 2
Robbery 0
Theft from a motor vehicle 1
Theft or unauthourised taking of a motor vehicle 0
Theft of pedal cycle 0
Theft from a person 0

Police contacts:
Facebook & Twitter: Great Yarmouth Police

Police Partner contacts:

Environmental Health- 01493 846478
NHS – 111
County Council – 0344 800 8020
Borough Council – 01493 856100

UK Power Networks Message – Storm Gareth

You may have seen the ongoing forecast of high winds and rain (Storm Gareth) expected to arrive over the weekend affecting parts of the South East and the East of England.

UK Power electricity network is built to be resilient but high winds and rain can damage overhead power lines resulting in some customers losing their electricity supply. Where this happens they work to restore power as quickly and safely as possible. They have organised for additional staff in their contact centre to help customers whose electricity supply might be affected by the predicted weather, and have called-up additional engineers to carry out repairs to the electricity network.

Local residents will be able to find regular updates on the website www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk and social media @UKPowerNetworks throughout this period.

Anyone experiencing a power cut can:

· Call 105 to report power cuts and damage to the electricity network, or 0800 3163 105 (from a corded phone or mobile phone if you have no power)

· Visit www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk for the latest updates

· Visit www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk/powercut and type in their postcode to view our live power cut map

· Tweet @ukpowernetworks to report power cuts or to receive updates

UK Power Network urge the public to stay well clear from power lines and anyone spotting a damaged power line needs to report it to them immediately by calling 105 from a landline or mobile phone.

If you see electricity lines that are down or causing significant risk to the public you should call 999.

They will provide extra help to customers on a Priority Service Register during a power cut. Households with older or disabled people, those with children under five, or where someone uses medical or mobility equipment that requires electricity as well as other reasons can join the register. You can find out more information about our Priority Service on the website: ukpowernetworks.co.uk/priority .

If you would like to share information about preparing for the extreme weather or the priority service register on social media you might like to use the following:

UK Power Networks has extra staff on hand to deal with the impact of Storm Gareth. Call 105 to report a power cut and visit https://www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk/storm-centre-prepare or message @UKPowerNetworks on Twitter. #stormgareth #ukpnnews

If you, or someone you know, need extra support during a power cut? @UKPowerNetworks provides free services to vulnerable customers. Visit https://www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk/power-cut/priority-services-register for more information. #stormgareth #ukpnnews

Keep Britain Tidy has launched the Great British Spring Clean

Martham Parish Council joins the GREAT BRITAIN SPRING CLEAN with its annual Litter Pick organised for Saturday 20 April at 10am – meeting outside the Coop next to the Green opposite the KA public house anyone welcome to come along and help out .

Keep Britain Tidy (KBT) has launched the Great British Spring Clean for 2019.
This year, the event will be taking place from 22 March – 23 April 2019 and aims to build on the success of last year’s event.
Over 370,000 #LitterHeroes joined forces last year – despite the ‘Beast from the East’ – to collect litter at 13,500 events across the UK, taking a national stand against single-use plastic.

Martham Toilets Refurbishment

Great Yarmouth Borough Council have informed the Parish Council that work has been planned to refurbish the toilets located opposite to the pond in the village.

Contractors will start work this week with closure being kept to a minimum.

If possible the disabled toilet will remain open during the works.

The proposed plans can be viewed at the Parish Council office.


The Allotment invoices for 2019 have all been sent out so if you have not received one please email the clerk on clerk@martham.gov.uk or telephone 01493 749938.

Payments can also be made via bank transfer so again please contact the Clerk for further details if you prefer this method of payment.

The Parish Council office located at the Community Centre, Playingfield Lane Martham is open from 10-2pm on Mondays and Wednesdays.

In order to save money in future we will be emailing out invoices where possible so please contact the Clerk to update your details with your most current email address and details.

Any spare plots available will be allocated within the next few weeks so if you are interested in becoming a plot holder please contact the Parish Clerk.